Harper College will be closed Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1 for Winter Break.

Harper College

Smoke-Free Campus

Harper College is a smoke-free campus.

Harper's smoke-free campus policy and Illinois state law requires everyone to refrain from smoking while on campus. The policy covers all College indoor and outdoor property including college-owned vehicles, green spaces and parking lots.  It does not apply to personal vehicles.

Smoking (burning, inhaling or exhaling) includes:

  • Pipes 
  • Cigars
  • Cigarettes
  • Hookahs
  • Weed
  • Herbs
  • E-cigarettes
  • Any other lighted smoking equipment

Smoke-Free Campus FAQs

Conversation Tool Kit

Resources to help you talk about the Smoke-Free Campus policy with students, staff, colleagues and the community

Harper College policy complies with the Smoke-Free Campus Act (098-0985).

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Last Updated: 12/14/23