Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
The Promise Scholarship is offered to every eligible incoming public high school student in Harper's district (High School Districts 211, 214 and 220).
Students, you can earn up to two years of in-district tuition at Harper College if you
Sign up through your high school by December 15 of your freshman year (9th grade). Your high school’s Student Services department has specific details about how to sign up. This is often taken care of during High School Registration.
You'll start the program in the second semester of your freshman year. While in high school, your high school will track all of your criteria. To find out more about Promise specific to your high school, please visit your district's site:
District 211
District 214
District 220
District 155 - Please connect with Dr. Hank Harvey, Student Services Coordinator at Cary Grove High School. Please note, only a small portion of D155 students are eligible for Promise based on where they live.
Students may only miss the following number of days:
(3 tardies to the first attendance taking period of the student's day equals one absence)
Graduate college-ready.
Minimum annual grade point average (unweighted) (we look at each year individually):
Community Service
Number of hours per year:
D211 - enter hours using MaiaLearning
D214 - enter hours in the student's Infinite Campus account
D220 - enter hours in the Transeo system
Contact your high school student services office for more information.
Additionally, an annual recommitment process is required at the beginning of Sophomore, Junior, and Senior year. The recommitment process becomes available August 15th and must be submitted by September 15th. Information on how to recommit will be mailed to the address on file with the high school, along with email reminders to complete this important step.
Seniors, follow this timeline to remain eligible.
All participants are required to fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA (Social Security number required). Learn more about how financial aid works with Promise.
If you meet these requirements in high school, you'll earn the first semester of Harper tuition free. You can continue to attend Harper College tuition-free, semester by semester, for up to four semesters (60 credit hours*), if you meet the following criteria.
*Beginning with the high school class of 2025, credits earned before entering Harper will count toward the 60 credit hour limit the Promise Program will pay. This includes dual credit, AP credit, or credits from another institution.
Minimum semester grade point average:
No grades of D or F or withdrawal.
Community Service
Service requirements may be performed through any organization as long as the student
is not being compensated.
Harper will offer different opportunities at Harper College for current Harper students to complete their hours.
Service hours during each semester will be logged in the student's MyHarper portal.
Number of hours per semester:
Please contact your high school’s Student Services department. The sign up deadline is December 15 of your freshman year of high school.