Harper College

Info Sessions and Tours

A guide leads prospective students through campus.

Info Sessions and Tours

One of the best ways to learn about Harper is by attending an info session.

Free information sessions are offered throughout the year. Hear details and ask questions about programs, costs, transfer credit, and services to help you succeed.

High School Students

High school students: There are so many ways to connect with Harper. Find out when Harper visits your high school, take part in Harper's Destination Harper info sessions, or attend the next High School Open House.

Adult Learners

The sessions are designed for prospective students who would like to learn more about our academic programs, financial aid, and campus resources available to help them achieve their goals. RSVP now for the Adult Learning Info Session.

Academic Departments

Info sessions are available for: Engineering, Health Careers and Law Enforcement & Forensic Science.

Campus Tours

Explore Harper College's beautiful campus and see our state-of-the-art facilities. Schedule a Tour

Career Direction Workshops

Still deciding which career or major is right for you? This workshop will help you understand how Areas of Interest, majors, and careers relate to your past work experience, interests, skills, and personality. Register for a LIVE workshop or view on-demand.

Flexible Options

Balancing your education and career? Harper can help. The Fast Track Program offers accelerated online courses for busy adult learners. And the Apprenticeship Program provides on-the-job training with pay. Your tuition is paid for by the employer so you won't have college debt.

Job Training

Get training and start your career in computers, real estate, truck driver training, and more through Continuing Professional Education. For non-credit training programs, see Community Education.


PASO (Proyecto de Apoyo - Superando Obstaculos) events cover a range of topics in English and Spanish. They're designed for incoming Latinx students and their families. RSVP for PASO Events

The University Center

The University Center at Harper College brings DePaul University, Northern Illinois University and Roosevelt University directly to you so you can complete a BA/BS in one of eight programs offered by these leading partner schools. RSVP now for University Center Info Sessions.

Upcoming Events

See what info sessions and tours are coming up at Harper College. For a complete lists, visit the Admissions Calendar.

Contact us

Map of Building C, Room C-103B

Admissions Outreach
Building C, Room C103
Email Admissions
Request an Appointment

On Campus Hours—C103:
Monday–Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

On Campus Hours—One Stop A250:
Monday–Thursday: 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Remote Hours (phone, email, and chat):
Monday–Thursday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The office is closed on college holidays.

Last Updated: 3/17/25