Here is your chance to volunteer! The following opportunities are available to Harper
College Harper Promise students looking for hours to fulfill scholarship requirements,
or just looking to give back. Once you have completed your hours, be sure to log them
in the MyHarper Portal Promise Tracker. A walkthrough of how to enter your service hours can be viewed in the video below. Hours are due the Friday before Finals week each
If you are in high school, please contact your high school student services department in regards to opportunities
available for you to complete your hours.
Listing of Harper service opportunities for students
Please click through to find opportunities available at Harper College assisting with
Harper offices and events. Please note, you are not limited to these opportunities.
Date of service: Fridays throughout the semester, 8:45a-12:45p
Location of Service: Harper College
Description of opportunity: Sign up to be a guide for 4th-8th grade school groups visiting Harper! All volunteers
will receive training before their first tour, with tours taking place on Fridays
from 8:45a-12:45pm. Volunteers will receive a Subway box lunch! Sign up for as many,
or as few tours as you'd like. For Promise students, one tour equals four volunteers
hours. Questions? Email Paige
Description of opportunity: We need your help to make your donors feel appreciated! As a volunteer, you will
be writing thank you cards, holiday cards, and possibly recording videos to express
your gratitude to your Promise and scholarship donors. Let them know how their generosity
has positively impacted your life. We will provide a script to guide you for each
You choose how many hours your wish to complete (1-15 hours). You choose where you
would like to complete tasks - your home, on, campus, or wherever you are comfortable.
Your messages will make a big difference to donors who will then continue to make
a big difference for future Harper students. Your participation means the world!
Sign up information: Click here to apply to volunteer
In-Class Notetaker
Contact person: ADS Department 847-925-6266
Date of service: Spring 2025
Location of Service: Harper College
Description of opportunity: Access & Disability Services (ADS) is looking for students willing to volunteer their
time to attend classes where we have a student who needs notes taken for them. The
volunteer would attend the in-person class when the instructor is lecturing to take
notes. They would then upload the digital notes or take pictures of handwritten notes
and upload them. The volunteer notetaker would not be responsible for any coursework
and would not receive credit for the course. We are looking for reliable, responsible,
and good notetakers to assist our students in ADS.
Sign up information: Click here to apply to serve as a notetaker
Date of service: Begins in Summer (July 15), opportunity throughout Fall semester
Location of Service: Harper College
Description of opportunity: As an IINS Mentor, you can use your own experiences to support and encourage a first-year
To apply to be an IINS Mentor, please complete the Mentor Application.
Responsibilities: - Support and encourage first-year students with disabilities - Act as a resource and point of contact - Refer students to appropriate campus resources - Serve as a positive role model - Participate in training, programs, and activities
Qualifications: - Be in good academic standing - Be willing to learn and share information about the Harper College community, student
life and campus resources - Demonstrate strong interpersonal and communication skills - Have a genuine desire to help new students succeed - Display leadership abilities - Be self-motivated and have a positive attitude - Express a willingness to learn about diverse cultures and disabilities.
Benefits: - Build relationships with new students - Develop leadership skills - Enhance social skills and confidence - Earn service hours - Strengthen resume and college/scholarship applications
Sign up information: Click here to apply to be a mentor
Listing of external service opportunities for students
The following organizations have requested volunteers for their organization or event.
These opportunities are not affiliated with Harper College, but can count toward your
Harper Promise service hours.
Clearbrook Respite - Many opportunities throughout the semester
Date of service: See below for a variety of events throughout the semester
Location of Service: Clearbrook Respite - Arlington Heights
Description of opportunities: Ongoing opportunity 1 - Training individuals on IPads At our day program site running group activities with two or three of our individuals.
Volunteers would be training our individuals on how to use an iPad. How to get to
different apps and use them.
Ongoing Opportunity 2 - Clearbrook On Cue - Theater performance assistance Volunteers will mentor Clearbrook actors during rehearsal and at the final performance
in June at the Metropolis Theatre in downtown Arlington Heights.
Ongoing Opportunity 3 - Clerical Work Volunteers assist with various clerical work such as scanning and filling, document
destruction, etc.
Ongoing opportunity 4 - Adult Day Programs Volunteers assist with various activities to enhance our individual productivity and
socialization. Would be helping them learn the IPad, playing board games, and doing
arts and crafts. All volunteers must be vaccinated to volunteer.
Many special events throughout the term - see link for details
Date of service: Various opportunities through the year
Location of Service: Palatine Park District
Description of opportunity: We provide a number of volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Each opportunity
will list the opportunity, expectations and additional information needed. Please
register on our volunteer website and make sure to create a profile, sign the volunteer
waiver, consent to and submit a background check and read and sign off on the volunteer
manual. Here are some upcoming events we need your help! Upcoming events:
Description of opportunity: Kaleidoscope School of Art is once again the charity beneficiary of the Chicagoland
Marathon and Half Marathon in Schaumburg on May 4th. We are looking for 40 volunteers
to help at the event. As the charity beneficiary, we earn valuable funds for our
Senior Outreach and Community Art Reach programs.
Description of opportunity: Barrington Giving Day provides support to low-income families in the community by
inviting them to events throughout the year where they can receive much needed items
for their family. We need help at our donation center sorting through donations and
helping to prepare for upcoming events. We also need volunteers for our 2 upcoming
Prom Event for Teens in Need- Help teens select the perfect attire for Prom, Restock
Inventory or if you have sewing skills, we need volunteers who can make minor alterations.
Spring Event- Families will be able to "shop" for items like clothing, shoes, books
and more. We need volunteers to help staff the Pop-Up shop during the hours we are
open. Several opportunities are available. Check-out our sign-up to find the best
shift that works for you.
As always, everything is complimentary to families
Date of service: See below for a variety of events throughout the semester
Location of Service: Islamic Society of Northwest Suburbs - Al-Ihsan Academy - Rolling Meadows
Description of opportunities: Our organization, Islamic Society of Northwest Suburbs in Rolling Meadows, aims to
provide tutoring services to middle and high school students in the community who
do not have access to paid tutoring services.
Date of service: Tuesdays, and first Wednesday of the month
Location of Service: Meet at 1585 N. Rand Road, Palatine
Description of opportunities:
The mobile food pantry goes out to apartment complexes in the area to provide some
groceries and produce to the food insecure. We go out every Tuesday and the 1st Wednesday
each month. Rain or shine. We have canopies to use if it rains.
We meet at 2:15 at 1585 N. Rand Road in Palatine to bag produce and load the van.
Then we drive to the distribution location for that day. We open as soon as we can
but always by 4. We offer food so the clients can pick what they want to take. We
close at 5.
We serve between 150-200 families on each trip. There can be a lot of lifting required
(up to 50 pounds) but then there are plenty of jobs where lifting is not required.
Description of opportunities: What does this agency do? The Poplar Creek Prairie Stewards is a volunteer group that works outside year-round
restoring Prairie and Oak Woodlands to promote local biodiversity. PCPS is affiliated
with the Forest Preserves of Cook County. We hope to provide students with an educational,
fun and active teamwork experience while contributing to restoring natural areas within
Carl Hansen/Poplar Creek Forest Preserve in Hoffman Estates,Illinois. Students will
work with a diverse group of volunteers that have decades of restoration experience
and some very enthusiastic young volunteers also, removing invasive flora, planting
Prairie and Woodland plants, collecting and spreading plant seeds. We will provide
snacks for break time, which may include hot dogs ( regular and vegan ) cooked over
brush piles of invasive trees/ brush that are burned during the winter months. Where is this agency located? -Carl Hansen Woods Forest Preserve located off Rt 59 between Shoefactory Rd and (
Rt 58) Golf Rd. Entrance is on the west side of Rt 59. We meet in the parking lot.
This site can be found on Google Maps. -Schaumburg Road Grasslands, which is not on Google Maps under that name. However,
if you use google maps and enter Carl Hansen Woods FP in the destination section just
scroll down on the map until you get to Schaumburg Rd and then look for Poplar Creek
Equestrian Parking on the map. It is west of Rt 59 on Schaumburg Rd. The entrance
is on the north side (right side) of Schaumburg Rd. There is a small red sign (easy
to miss the first time going there) by the entrance. The parking lot is unpaved. It
is a few minutes south of Carl Hansen FP by car. When would this volunteering take place? -Workdays are on weekends- Saturdays or Sundays: Alternate Sat./Sun. each week. Starting at 9AM to approximately 12 noon, please arrive early to sign in. For dates
and additional details visit. Contact Person Dave Webb,, 847-975-4712 ( please text message for availability of opportunities) Restrictions/Requirements Anyone under 18 is required to be accompanied by parent/legal guardian throughout
the workday. Participants should be dressed for the weather conditions ( long pants, tall socks,
sturdy shoes and preferably older clothes ) if not suitably dressed, we reserve the
right to not except the student for safety reasons
Date of service: Thursday evening into Friday mornings
Location of Service: First United Methodist Church, 1903 E. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights
Description of opportunities:
I am managing a PADS site, we assist the homeless every Thursday eve into Friday morning
October through April. We have a need for set-up and 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts to assist
our team.
We have had many Harper students come through the program in the past. Generally students
would contact me initially and register on our sign-up genius. Most people work 1-2
times a month for about 3-4 hours. Very easy and safe.
Please recommend that everyone initially contacts me. Email or phone is fine. Rodger Reaume FUMCAH - PADS site director cell 630-220-0914
Date of service: Mondays or Tuesdays throughout the term
Location of Service: 1111 Lake Cook Road, Buffalo Grove
Description of opportunities:
Help count toys for children in crisis. OMNI Youth Services holds a toy drive every
year. OMNI partners with Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS)
to provide home-based services that keep children safe while strengthening families
and helping them stay together. We need to get an accurate inventory of what has been
donated so far. This opportunity is scheduled based on your availability. It is only
available on Monday - Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm. The address is 1111 Lake Cook Road
in Buffalo Grove, IL.
Description of opportunity: The 1:1 Literacy tutoring program provides individual instruction based on the interests
and inspirations of each student. Our trained tutors provide motivating and purposeful
lessons designed to keep our students engaged and learning both during sessions and
when extending activities at home.
The 1:1 Math tutoring program uses a multi-sensory, strength-based approach to build
confidence and success for our students. Our research-based curriculum encompasses
a variety of strategies and techniques to ensure that every student can be successful
when learning math.
Sign up information: Click here for more information and to sign up
Description of opportunity: Volunteers will be visiting Hospice patients at Nursing Home or Assisted Living to
provide patient with companionship. Most volunteers play music, play games, read a
story, sit outside with patient or whatever brings patient comfort. Office help is also available for those uncomfortable with entering a facility. Helping Bereavement coordinator with phone calls or letters.
Sign up information: Please call 224-209-0354 if interested to discuss
Description of opportunity: Clean Up – Give Back facilitates trash cleanup campaigns that are helpful to the
community and the environment. We establish chapters for on-going cleanup. We operate
a national “Flexible Service Programs” that allows individuals to earn service hours
for work, school or court.
Sign up information: For more information and to sign up, Click Here
Location of Service: LifeChoice Hospice and Palliative Care - Wheeling
Description of opportunity: Hospice volunteers have the opportunity to meet and work with local hospice patients.
Patients are visited at their family home or nursing home. Volunteers can work with
patients to provide companionship, play music for them or assist them with writing
cards to family and friends. There are many different activities a hospice volunteer
can participate in. For volunteers who may not feel comfortable working directly with
hospice patients yet, you can assist hospice staff with administrative tasks in our
office in Wheeling.
Description of opportunity: Throughout October - April, JOURNEYS partners with numerous faith-based facilities
to provide shelter and food for individuals experiencing homelessness. These facilities,
also known as PADS Sites, offer clients a safe place to sleep as well as dinner and
breakfast. PADS volunteers work in shifts throughout the night. Tasks vary per shift.
Volunteers' responsibilities could include providing meal service, checking in clients,
monitoring the sites, setup, and cleanup among other duties. There are multiple PADS
locations so you can choose which site works best for you.
JOURNEYS is also opening an Interim Housing Program, which operates similar to the
PADS Sites. They provide shelter and food for clients who do not qualify for the PADS
Sites or have difficult accessing them for a variety of reasons. For this program,
volunteers will be working on the second floor of the JOURNEYS Palatine Facility.
Volunteer roles are similar to the PADS Sites.
BOTH programs require volunteers to be TRAINED. Please fill out the volunteer interest
form to receive more information or contact JOURNEYS Volunteer Coordinator Danielle
Kadamian at
Sign up information: Click here to find opportunities
Northwest Suburban Recreation Association - assist programs for people with special
Location of Service: Northwest Suburban Recreation Association
Description of opportunity: At NWSRA, children and adults with disabilities make friends, have fun, be included,
go new places, learn new things, and celebrate their lives! Formed in 1974 to provide
recreation services to individuals with disabilities, NWSRA is an extension of 17
member park districts within the northwest suburbs of Chicago. NWSRA is the largest
of all special recreation associations and is a leader among peers with over 14,000
program registrations in more than 2,000 programs annually.
We are always seeking volunteers to assist in our therapeutic recreation programs.
These programs range from sports, fitness, arts, crafts, music, and general leisure.
During your volunteer interview, you will discuss what type of programs interest you
the most! We want to make this a great experience for you as well.
Volunteers must be 14 years of age or older. The Volunteer Coordinator will contact
you as soon as possible through e-mail to confirm that you have been accepted to the
volunteer team and that you have been placed in your preferred program. Volunteer
applications are processed once per week, please allow at least 5 business days for
your application to be processed.
Description of opportunity: All Community Events hosts races in the area all throughout the fall season. This
opportunity allows you to gain some volunteer experience to add to your resume. Some
examples of tasks are assisting with registration, helping at a water station, and
Sign up information: Email Erin for more information and to sign up
Description of opportunity: Our Adoption Center is located in the Petco at 49 W Rand Rd, Arlington Hts. General
tasks include but are not limited to:
*Socializing kittens and cats *Light kennel cleaning *Basic care such as feeding and grooming
Tasks will coincide with comfort level
Our TNR Program is in the field. You will work along side a senior Trapper, they are
your mentor. You will learn how to: * humanely trap, sterilize and return feral (wild) cats. You would also be speaking to people in the community on the benefits of TNR under
the guidance of your Mentor.
To Volunteer please complete the Volunteer Application under the Documents Tab on
our website
Sign up information: For more information and to sign up, click here
Description of opportunity: Volunteers have the opportunity to help shelters animals by walking dogs, playing
with cats, or helping with special events & photography. Volunteers are needed during
the day on weekdays and Saturdays.
All volunteer opportunities will take place at the McHenry County Animal Control building,
at 100 N. Virginia Street in Crystal Lake
Sign up information: For more information and to sign up, click here
Description of opportunity: This volunteer opportunity is to take care of our no-kill, cage-free kitties and
the shelter. You may tidy the cat and kitten areas, feed and water them, clean litter
boxes, and generally make sure all the areas are clean.
You may sign up for a standard, weekly schedule or just grab shifts as it fits your
schedule. If you are interested, please go to the website, click "Volunteer" and then
click "Volunteer Application" . We will then reach out and provide you an online signup
link for a quick and simple signup experience.
Available Days / Hours: Weekdays - 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Weekends (Sat and Sun) - 9:00 am-noon
Sign up information: For more information and to sign up, click here
Description of opportunity: Volunteers help distribute food to food pantry clients and assist them to their transportation
if needed on Thursday afternoons from 3:30 to 6:30 or on Saturday mornings from 8:30
to 12:30. There are also opportunities to bag produce and shelve donated food on Monday,
Thursday, and Friday mornings from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Description of opportunity: The Once & Again Resale Shop is looking for volunteers to assist with sorting, pricing,
and organizing donations. Profits go to supporting the Frisbie Senior Center's mission
of providing support to older adults. Hours are Tues-Sat 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, however
shifts can be adjusted to the volunteer's schedule
Description of opportunity: We currently are looking for a volunteer to join our ArtLab Program that is held
every Thursday from 12:30-2:30. The ideal volunteer would be: for someone who can
jump in to support our ArtLab in-person class. This person might be asked to provide
visuals as needed, respond calmly, and is patient and flexible. Someone who is willing
to support at multiple levels of need. This person does not need to be extremely skilled at Art.
If these opportunities do not work with your schedule, you can view a list of local volunteer organizations here. These organizations often need volunteers on an ongoing basis. An additional
source of volunteer opportunities throughout the northwest suburbs can be found here. Finally, this site provides online options for students looking to get community service hours.