Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
The Harper College Promise Scholarship Program offers the opportunity to appeal eligibility determinations in the event of extraordinary circumstances. Extraordinary circumstances are defined as significant events that were unforeseen and completely out of the family’s control. Examples of extraordinary circumstances may include, but are not limited to: death in the family, serious accident, or sudden extended illness.
High School Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors who do not meet the eligibility requirements are notified by mail in late August of the next school year. The letter from Harper College includes information on the
process for filing an appeal in the event of extraordinary circumstances. The appeal
process opens up mid-August and must be submitted by September 15th.
Notification of your appeal submission will be mailed to the address on file no later
than November 1st.
High School Seniors who do not meet the eligibility requirements are notified by email to their Harper Email Account in late June. The email from Harper College includes information on the process for filing an appeal in the event of extraordinary circumstances.
The online appeal form will become available on this website during the open appeal timeframe. You must appeal each criteria that you did not meet if you wish to try and remain a part of the Promise Program. You will have an opportunity to explain why you need to appeal in around 250 words or less. Additional documentation is requred as follows:
Obtain and attach an official attendance report for the year you are appealing. This must be obtained from your high school attendance office. In addition, an explanation for all days absent must be submitted. Any supporting documentation (i.e. doctors note, out of state travel due to funeral, etc.) must be attached to support your appeal. Please note, an "excused" absence for high school does not mean the same for Promise. You must explain and submit documentation to corroborate your absences. If you are unsure of what documentation to submit, please contact the Promise Scholarship at 847-925-6310.
Obtain and attach a copy of your high school transcript that shows all grades and GPA calculation (unofficial transcripts from Infinite Campus are acceptable). Any supporting documentation (i.e. doctors note, out of state travel due to funeral, etc.) may also be attached to support your appeal.
Work with your high school counselor and create and attach a plan describing how you will get back on track within the school year.
Community Service
Evidence that demonstrates your inability to complete community service.
If you feel there was a technical error when submitting your community serivce, please indicate on the appeal form.
For Harper College Promise Scholars, an email will be sent to your Harper Email Account after final grades have posted. This email will include the process for filing an appeal for extraordinary circumstances.
For the Fall 2024 semester, appeal decisions will be emailed to all students who submitted an appeal no later than January 9th.
For the Spring 2025 semester, the appeal form will be available Wednesday, May 21st through Friday, June 6th. Final appeal decisions will be provided to the student through email no later than June 20th.
The online appeal form will become available on the bottom of this website during the open appeal timeframe. You must appeal each criteria that you did not meet if you wish to try and remain a part of the Promise Program. You will have an opportunity to explain why you need to appeal in around 250 words or less. Additional documentation is requred as follows:
Agree to allow the Promise Committee access to your college transcript (statement to agree to will be available in the appeal form). Any supporting documentation (i.e. doctors note, out of state travel due to funeral, etc.) may also be attached to support your appeal.
Work with your academic advisor and create and attach a plan through your DegreeWorks describing how you will get back on track within the school year. You will need to agree to allow the Promise Committee access to your college transcript and DegreeWorks Plan (statement to agree to will be available in the appeal form).
Community Service
Evidence that demonstrates your inability to complete community service. Please note, last minute trouble entering service hours is not an extraordinary circumstance.” Ample time is provided to submit your hours, and any issues can be discussed with the Promise Scholarship Manager prior to any semester deadlines.
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: The Appeal for extraordinary circumstances form for the 2024-2025 school year will become available August 15th, 2025 with a submission deadline of September 15th.
HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS: The Appeal for extraordinary circumstances form for the 2024-2025 school year will be emailed to students on June 17th, 2025 with a submission deadline of July 3rd.
HARPER COLLEGE STUDENTS: The appeal for extraordinary circumstances forms for the Spring 2025 semester will become available on May 21st, after final grades have posted. All appeals will be due by June 6th.