Harper College

What is Spiritual Wellness?

When people think of the word Spiritual, what often comes to mind is religion. While religion might be one component of Photo of a letterboard that says, "Self Care is Not Selfish." Spiritual Wellness for some, this wellness dimension encompasses so much more. Spiritual wellness refers to our ability to develop congruence between our own values and actions. Moreover, spiritual wellness allows individuals to define purpose in their lives and make meaning of certain life events. The Spiritual wellness dimension is about establishing our own personal morals, ethics and what we stand for as individuals in the world. Some people might find spiritual wellness through religion and faith while others turn to nature or other mindfulness practices. An individual does not have to believe in a certain religion in order to be spiritual or to find spiritual wellness. 

Exploring our own moral and ethical compass through a variety of self-exploration activities contributes to the Spiritual Wellness dimension. How does one strengthen, define, explore and establish their own Spiritual Wellness? Below are a few examples of how individuals might incorporate Spiritual Wellness into their own lives:

-Reflection activities such as journaling

-Hiking or walking in nature

-Praying or being involved with organized religion

-Practicing yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, visualization or other contemplative practices

-Completing a values assessment



-Labyrinth walking

Want to explore and incorporate some Spiritual Wellness into your own life? Head on over to the Library's Make Shop, beginning February 10 - March 31, 2020 to create your own Zine submission. At the end of March, staff in the Library will collect all submissions to create a comprehensive "Spiritual Wellness" zine that will be displayed in the library and throughout campus. What are you waiting for? Take a break and show us what Spiritual Wellness means to you and be featured in Harper's very own Spiritual Wellness Zine! 

Last Updated: 11/19/24