Harper College

Finding What Works: Healthy Snacks/Food

Healthy Snacks/Food:Photo of organes in a bowl. Whether you’re at work or home, ensure that you have some of the essentials on hand at home or at work. Almonds, quinoa, chickpeas, frozen edamame, dried fruit, black beans, almond milk and frozen fruit are some of the items I usually have on hand at home or work as they are easy snacking foods. Moreover, I’m able to combine many of those ingredients to any meal or snack, so having those items on hand help save me time and make it more likely that I’m going to have some healthy foods around me at all times. In addition, if you don’t have unhealthy snacks on hand it’s a little more difficult to eat those. Sub your candy bowl at work for some oranges or assorted nuts.

Last Updated: 3/14/24