Harper College

Finding What Works: Establish Wellness Habits Rather than Resolutions

2020 is here, now what? Well, for many people, a new year often surfaces new wellness resolutions. Common wellness resolutions often come in the form of exercising more often, eating healthier, getting more sleep and among many others. While establishing resolutions for yourself isn’t a bad thing, what you might want to think about is establishing better habits rather than a resolution. We’ve all been guilty of establishing resolutions in the new year just to have them fizzle out a few weeks later. Habits are what make up those resolutions, and if we adjust different habits, we are more likely to accomplish those resolutions that we set for ourselves.
While there is no perfect solution, recipe or magic pill for helping a person achieve their wellness goals, below are a few suggestions on how you might jumpstart some of those habits, and ultimately, improve your overall well-being in the new decade. You don’t know what works until you try it, so I’m providing a few of my own personal tips, tricks and things to think about if you’re looking to improve some of your wellness habits, here is my first tip:

Apple phone chargingChange your environment: For a while, I would often find myself hitting the snooze button on my phone and going back to bed just to find myself feeling more frazzled in the morning because I made the choice to go back to sleep rather than get up (and hitting the snooze button isn’t good for good sleep hygiene either). To help break this habit I changed my environment by taking my phone charger and putting it in an outlet across the room so that when I plugged my phone in at night I couldn’t sit in bed and stare at my phone AND I actually had to get myself out of bed in order to turn off the alarm in the morning. Now, every small environmental change you make won’t completely break your habits or help you start new ones, but it’s important to think about your environment and then design it so it’s easier to engage in the desired behavior. Work smarter not harder, and eventually, those behaviors form more easily into habits.

Stay tuned! I will post a tip every day to help you stay motivated. 


Last Updated: 3/14/24