Harper College

Finding What Works: Be Inspired

Find Some Inspiration: Finding a little inspiration to light the fire never hurt anyone. While no one can accomplish your goals for you, find some inspiration to keep the needle moving. Below are a few of my own personal favorites but it’s certainly not a complete or exhaustive list:photo of scrabble pieces that spell out the words dream big.

  1. Documentaries:The Game Changers (Netflix); Free Solo (Netflix); The Dawn Wall (Netflix); Kim Swims (Netflix);
  2. Books:Good to Great by Jim Collins; Food Rules by Michael Pollan; Daring Greatly by Brené Brown; The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman
  3. Podcasts:Chasing Excellence (Leaderboarding in Real Life; Win or Learn; W.H.O.O.P.I.E.); Hidden Brain (Looking Back); Trainedby Nike
Last Updated: 11/19/24