Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
With each campus shooting, like the most recent at Umpqua Community College, we are
reminded of the importance of maintaining a safe campus at Harper College. While campus
law enforcement have protocols in place to respond to incidents, our goal is to prevent
the incidents from happening in the first place. As details from mass shootings emerge,
we learn that these incidents are preceded by warning signs. These warning signs,
often present on social media, can include:
While not every instance is an indicator of an actual threat, you can be assured that all reports are taken seriously and reviewed. While it isn’t something we want to think about, every campus shooter is someone’s son/daughter, neighbor or friend. It is often a classmate. We want you to know about some things that you can do to prepare yourself for an incident as well as things you can do to report a concern and prevent something from happening:
For more information, contact Laura Bennett, who chairs the Harper Early Alert Team.