Harper College will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Harper College

College-Bound Seniors: Summer Checklist

Congratulations! You've finished your senior year. You flipped your tassel at graduation, hugged friends and family. Maybe you even shed a few tears.

High. School. Is. Over.

But there are still a few loose ends you should tie up over the next few months to make sure you start over strong as a college freshman:

  1. Ask your counselor to forward your final transcripts to the college of your choice and find out if there may be any additional financial aid available. Every little bit helps!
  2. Contact the college and find out the payment requirements for tuition and fees due for on-campus living (if necessary).
  3. Investigate any on-campus work possibilities at the college or university.
  4. If you just can't wait to get started on your college career, find a gen ed offered as a summer class. Start taking advantage of summer opportunities to focus on classes you know will be a challenge to take during the semester. 

Whether you take classes, work multiple jobs or both, be sure to find some time to relax and celebrate. You've earned it.

Have a great summer!

Last Updated: 3/14/24