Harper College

Harper Stories

abstract wood and metal sculpture with wire and curves

Point of View 2023

November 07, 2023

Browse or download the 2023 edition of Point of View. The 2022 edition won the 1st place National Award for Best Magazine in the Community College Humanities Association's Literary Magazine Competition. Read More

Coolhead Welding Helmet

Eric Emery - Cool Head, LLC

September 06, 2023

Welders regularly face exposure to dangerous fumes in their work environment, which is often in an enclosed space. According to OSHA, depending on the type of fumes and length of exposure, a welder may be at risk of injuries that include eye, nose and throat irritation; dizziness and nausea; damage to lungs, kidneys, and nervous system; certain types of cancer; and asphyxiation. Read More

A crowd in lawn chairs listens to a jazz band perform at the outdoor Ender Pavilion

Summer Concert Series 2023

May 19, 2023

Grab a blanket or lawn chair and join us for Harper's Summer Concert Series, starting June 8 at the Drs. Kenneth and Catherine Ender Outdoor Pavilion on the north side of Harper's campus. Get the weekly lineup

man using computer

Be a sleuth when applying for scholarships

December 20, 2022

Finding scholarships to pay for college expenses can feel a bit overwhelming but in the long run they can really pay off! Here are some valuable tips to help you (or the college student in your family) find money. Read More

Calliope Design

Caryn Mitchell, Founder of Calliope Design

December 14, 2022

Pablo Picasso once said, “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” Artist and entrepreneur Caryn Mitchell creates art that not only awakens souls, it makes them sing. She believes that art should inspire and spark joy as well as transform a space. In addition to creating stunning custom works, Caryn has begun to expand her palette by offering retail pieces. She also brings her artistic passion to identity design, designing branding in harmony with her clients’ corporate culture and goals. Read More

Last Updated: 12/14/23