Harper College

Harper Stories


Harper GRA program like none other

November 08, 2019

The graphic arts program is the reason Michael Curiel is where he is today, and he couldn’t recommend it enough to anyone aspiring to have a career in the graphic arts industry. Read More


Graphic design program at Harper College a vital experience

November 08, 2019

The graphic arts facility helped Julie DeMarco find an internship, which led to her being hired full time as a graphic designer. Read More


Harper GRA program offers competitive edge

November 08, 2019

As a graduate of the graphic arts program, Julia Franiak uses the skills and industry knowledge that was learned daily in her current position as an art director. Read More


The stepping stones towards a degree in graphic design

November 08, 2019

Alec Majerchin left Harper College with much more confidence in himself and his abilities to begin his career. Read More

Elsie Schwartz

Thriving in design at Harper College and beyond

November 08, 2019

The graphic arts program taught Elsie Schwartz real world design processes she would need to know in order to thrive in the industry of printing. Read More

Last Updated: 12/14/23