Harper College

Harper Stories

Photo of a door with the phrase "Be brave enough to be bad at something new."

Finding What Works: Sign Up for a New Challenge

January 14, 2020

Whether you care about winning or not, signing up for some sort of wellness challenge, race or event can help keep you motivated and on track. Try something new, even if there is the possibility that you might fail. Read More

Photo of scrabble pieces that spell out the words dream big.

Finding What Works: Be Inspired

January 13, 2020

While no one can accomplish your goals for you, find some inspiration to keep the needle moving. Read More

Photo of a student holding a whiteboard that displays writing from various people about what wellness means to them.

Finding What Works: Strive for Harmony Rather than Balance

January 08, 2020

Your interests, body, and priorities are most likely going to change as time goes on but this doesn’t give you an automatic out to stop taking care of yourself. Every wellness dimension will not be perfectly balanced so it’s important to focus on finding a harmony that works best for you. Read More

Photo of Mary Kay Harton and Melissa Harrah posing by a stationary bike.

Finding What Works: Accountability

January 08, 2020

If you’re struggling to find motivation for yourself when it comes to exercise, consider joining a group exercise class as classes can help provide accountability, variety and you don’t have to think about what you’re going to do for your workout. Read More

Apple phone charging

Finding What Works: Establish Wellness Habits Rather than Resolutions

January 06, 2020

While there is no perfect solution, recipe or magic pill for helping a person achieve their wellness goals, here are a few suggestions on how you might jump start some of those habits, and ultimately, improve your overall well-being. Read More

Last Updated: 12/14/23