Harper College

Harper Stories

Photo of a virus under a microscope.

The coronavirus may be making headlines, but don't forget about the flu

January 29, 2020

The coronavirus may be making scary national headlines at the moment, but we should all be thinking about ways to protect ourselves from the flu as well. Those that have been affected by the coronavirus thus far have traveled to the region of China where the virus first appeared. The flu, on the other hand, is very active in the US right now. Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that over 15 million people have fallen ill from the flu. Read More

Photo of an apple watch on a wrist.

Finding What Works: Wellness Apps

January 22, 2020

There are plenty of wellness-based mobile apps out there to go around, some more helpful than others. While this is not a complete list, here are a few of my favorites that have helped me with my wellness habits. Read More

Photo of oranges in a bowl.

Finding What Works: Healthy Snacks/Food

January 22, 2020

Whether you’re at work or home, ensure that you have some of the essentials on hand at home or at work. Almonds, quinoa, chickpeas, frozen edamame, dried fruit, black beans, almond milk and frozen fruit are some of the items I usually have on hand at home or work as they are easy snacking foods. Read More

Photo of a plant growing in a person's hands.

Finding What Works: Invest In Yourself

January 22, 2020

There are plenty of wellness products out there in the world, some of them probably worth your money more than others. While you don’t necessarily need products or things to boost your wellness, here are a few of my favorite things that have been worth the investment... Read More

Photo of a doorway with the phrase I Gave My Best above it.

Finding What Works: Avoid What is Fun, Fast or Easy

January 14, 2020

Social media is full of people and companies trying to sell you on their latest powder, piece of gym equipment or diet that they guarantee will help you lose weight quickly or provide dramatic results in a short amount of time. The fact of the matter is that anything worth doing will take time and effort. Read More

Last Updated: 12/14/23