Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
Students can be subject to a 'Past Due Balance' hold if their student account meets one of the following criteria:
A 'Past Due Balance' hold has the following effects:
A 'Past Due Balance' hold can be removed by completing one of the following:
'Past Due Balances' can be paid in full online through the MyHarper Portal by clicking on the 'Finances' icon and selecting the 'Online Payments' icon. Make a payment by choosing the proper term and balance to pay. Payment may also be completed in person in Bulding A Room 214 during normal business hours. If you pay with a personal check the hold will not be removed for 10 business days to ensure the payment clears.
If a student cannot afford to pay the past due balance in full, Harper College offers a Delinquent Payment Plan. When setting up the Delinquent Payment Plan, students are able to choose whether they will use 3 or 4 installments. The first installment is an immediate down payment along with a $40 enrollment fee. The remaining installments are processed on the 20th of each month.
Delinquent Payment Plans for any of these terms can be set up online through the MyHarper Portal by clicking on the 'Finances' icon and selecting the 'Online Payments' icon. You will then choose the semester and balance and complete the payment plan. Upon setting up the Delinquent Payment Plan the initial payment will post to your student account immediately. If you pay with a credit card you will be eligible to have your hold removed, pending review. If you pay with a bank account you will have to wait four business days before the hold can be removed, pending review.
These payments plans are only available by student request. Students can request a Delinquent Payment Plan by contacting the Business Office by one of the following methods:
Phone: (847) 925-6880
Email: businessoffice@harpercollege.edu
On Campus: Building A, Room 214 (see hours above)
Please allow at least 2 business days for processing your request. We will notify you by sending an email to your Harper student email that the payment plan is now available and that you are able to complete the payment plan. You will have 48 hours from the time the email is sent out to set up the payment plan or you will need to contact the Business Office to make the request again. The Delinquent Payment Plan can then be completed by going through the MyHarper Portal and clicking on the 'Finances' icon and selecting the 'Online Payments' icon. You will then choose the balance and complete the payment plan.
All Past Due Balances that remain outstanding one month after the end of the semester where the balance was accrued are subject to be sent to a collections agency and any cost by the collection agency will be the responsibility of the student. To set up the delinquent payment plan go to your My Harper Portal by clicking on the 'Finances' icon and selecting the 'Online Payments' icon. You will then choose the balance and complete the payment plan.