Harper College

Compare College Tuition

With Harper's affordable tuition, you can earn your first two years of college credit at Harper, transfer to a university and save thousands on your bachelor's degree. This table compares Harper's tuition ** to other schools:

* indicates out of state tuition
Savings by attending Harper
for your first two years of college
Western Illinois University SAVE $9,532
Northern Illinois University SAVE $10,082
University of Illinois at Chicago SAVE $12,442
Illinois State University SAVE $14,634
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign SAVE $15,450
Northeastern Illinois University SAVE $15,455
Roosevelt University SAVE $30,502
Iowa State University * SAVE $40,826
Aurora University  SAVE $46,502
Purdue University * SAVE $46,522
Columbia College Chicago SAVE $51,970
University of Iowa * SAVE $52,460
Benedictine University SAVE $55,902
University of Missouri * SAVE $56,902
Olivet Nazarene University SAVE $64,402
Dominican University SAVE $64,890
Indiana University * SAVE $65,872
Elmhurst University SAVE $73,018
DePaul University SAVE $77,832
Loyola University Chicago SAVE $91,042
Northwestern University SAVE $120,276

How did we calculate this information?

  • Information for each transfer institution reflects "sticker price" tuition for the 2023-2024 academic year as posted online at the College Board as of July 17, 2023.
  • Savings are based on what a student would save by attending Harper two years full time plus two years full time at the published sticker price of another college, instead of four years at the institution's published sticker price.
  • Tuition information for the colleges noted above is bigfuture.collegeboard.org, except for Northeastern Illinois University and Roosevelt University. Institutional web sites were consulted for NEIU and Roosevelt, because information at the College Board site was unavailable.
  • Prices for transfer institutions do not include fees, room and board, financial aid packages, scholarships, or variable fees/tuition rates for specialized programs.
  • Visit The College Board or individual college websites for more details and to confirm accuracy.
** Harper's tuition amount was calculated using in-district tuition rates at 15 credit hours per semester plus basic fees for two years (four semesters). Does not include costs of books/course materials or fees/costs associated with specific programs/courses. See Tuition Rates for more information.
Last Updated: 6/18/24