Harper College

Transfer Credit From Another College/University in the US

Use our equivalency tool* to see how your credits may transfer from another College or University in the US to Harper College!

*This tool should be used as a guide as equivalencies are unofficial and subject to change. The equivalencies reflect the most common transfer articulations received from regionally accredited colleges and universities, however, Harper College accepts credit from any regionally accredited institution, nationwide. If you have questions about how your credit transfers, please contact the Evaluation Team at evaluation@harpercollege.edu

A degree seeking student who has attended any other college(s) must have an official transcript from each college attended sent to the Admissions Office.

Step 1. Apply to the College.

Step 2. Have your previous institution send Harper College your official transcripts. Once official transcripts are received they will be evaluated within 2-3 weeks.

A student may transfer credit to Harper College according to the following conditions:

  • The collegiate institution previously attended must be a regionally accredited institution awarding college credit.
  • If a student’s cumulative transfer GPA is a 2.0 or above (C average), successfully completed coursework with a grade of D or above will be articulated.
  • If a student's cumulative transfer GPA is below a 2.0, only C grades and higher will be articulated to the student's account.
  • If the student has attended multiple institutions, all previous coursework will be evaluated independently.
  • A maximum of 50 transferable credit hours will be articulated to a student's account automatically. If a student requires additional credit to be added, the student must email evaluation@harpercollege.edu to request additional coursework to be articulated.
  • Credit that has been articulated to a student's academic record cannot be removed after it has been added.
  • Students interested in limited enrollment programs: please note that BIO 230, 260 and 261 have a 5-year expiration date.  If you took equivalency of these courses outside of the five year limit, you many need to retake one or more of these programs at Harper to be eligible for the program.
  • Credit may be transferred, but the grades earned at other institutions are not transferred, nor are the grades included in computing the cumulative GPA at Harper College. Grades from other institutions may be used to determine whether a student has successfully met course prerequisites. Elective credit may also be awarded for transfer coursework with no direct equivalency at Harper College.
  • Courses which are a part of a department or program of study not offered by Harper College are considered non-transferable.

Talk with an advisor about Credit for Prior Learning. Visit the One Stop page for contact information, to chat or request information.

Last Updated: 3/17/25