Special / Unusual Circumstances

When life happens and you need help


Has your financial situation significantly changed since you completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) with your income information?

Job Loss

Loss of job?

Medical Bills

Extremely high medical


Marital status change?
(divorce, separation, widowed)

Job Hours Reduction

Reduction in work


Dependency Status (documented proof of no relationship with parents)?


Other financial reductions or extenuating circumstances?


Let us help you

Talk to a financial aid specialist about your situation. We will guide you through the next steps and the required documentation to see if we can update your eligibility. Once a financial aid specialist has received your documentation, it will be reviewed, and you will be notified if additional documentation is needed. If your situation allows for an update, you will be notified within 60 days of a decision.

Personal choices that are made that cannot be considered are:

  • Voluntarily decreasing work hours to attend college
  • Resigning or leaving job voluntarily
  • Extensive credit card debt
  • Extensive mortgage debt

Other Harper College Financial Resources

Last Updated: 1/30/25