Harper College

HOPE Giving Circle

Hope Event

Hope Giving Circle GraphicWhat is the HOPE Giving Circle?

The acronym HOPE stands for Helping Others through the Power of Education. The HOPE Giving Circle brings together influential women of diverse backgrounds with a common goal of supporting students in achieving their educational goals and empowering them to reach their full potential. Members combine their resources to make a greater collective impact on those pursuing higher education at Harper College. Through scholarship support, mentoring, professional development opportunities and other means, the HOPE Giving Circle is committed to creating and enhancing educational and leadership opportunities. View the latest Hope Giving Circle newsletters.

HOPE to celebrate 10 years of supporting Harper College students

In 2025, the HOPE Giving Circle at Harper College will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first HOPE scholarship award. To mark this milestone, HOPE is setting a goal to award $10,000 scholarships to 10 deserving students in the 2025-26 academic year. We invite you to join this collective effort. Learn more about HOPE's impact and the "10 for 10" effort today!

HOPE Scholarships

100 percent of gifts to the HOPE Giving Circle are tax-deductible and designated for current-use scholarships. The HOPE Scholarship Program provides financial support and on-going mentoring for Harper College students who are completing their final year at Harper and continuing on to a four-year college or university to pursue a bachelor's degree. Students must be enrolled full-time. Each scholarship award is $10,000. Learn about the HOPE Scholarship. Read about the 2024 HOPE Scholarship recipients. 

HOPE Giving Circle Events

The HOPE Giving Circle meets four times per year for social, networking, and educational events, and to foster ongoing engagement with the scholarship recipients.

Upcoming events:

HOPE Giving Circle invites you to save the date....
Women at the Table Breakfast and Panel Discussion
"Women in Corporate Leadership"

8 a.m., Friday, April 4, 2025
Bridges of Poplar Creek Country Club, Hoffman Estates

View photos from previous events.

To receive an invitation to HOPE events, or for more information, please contact Shannon Hynes at 847.925.6701.

HOPE Giving Circle Membership

Membership is on an annual basis and begins with a minimum contribution or pledge of $1,000 per year. HOPE Members have the opportunity to:

  • Become a mentor to a HOPE scholar. Learn more.
  • Sit on the scholarship selection committee and help select scholarship recipients. More info.
  • Become members of the HOPE Executive Committee which helps advise on the direction of the HOPE Giving Circle.

Become a HOPE Giving Circle Member or Supporter today.

HOPE Giving Circle Members

Thank you to all of our HOPE Giving Circle members for your generous support:

Dee Beaubien
Laura Brown
Dolores Campagna
Joan Carlson
Lisa Christie
Barbara Cragan
Dr. Polly Davenport
Prof. Nancy L. Davis
Amanda Duval-Norwood
Alansa Ferguson
Kathleen Gilmer
Beth Hamparian
Susan Heitsch
Bonnie Henry
Carol M. Johnson
Dr. Tamara Johnson
Brenda Knox
Linda Kolbusz-Kosan
Linda J. Lang
Lori Leber
Jackie LeFevre
Markel Corporation
Dr. Judith Marwick
Dr. Elizabeth McKay
Georgeanna Mehr
Marcela Melendez
Veronica Neuendorf Mormino
Sam Oliver
Jody Paine
Anne Pepper
Dr. Christine Poziemski
Dr. Avis Proctor
Hazel M. Rilki
Louise Robb
Dr. Nancy Robb
Susan Rogers
Louise Schrank
Dr. Michelé E. Smith
Dr. Renee Spacapan
Judith Springer
Judith Stetson
Dr. Robin S. Turpin
Sheryl Van Anne
Melanie Witt
Dr. Anna Marie Yates
Heather Zoldak

To learn more about the HOPE Giving Circle, contact Shannon Hynes at 847.925.6701 or shynes@harpercollege.edu.

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Ascension Alexian Brothers logo

Ascension Saint Alexius Logo

Linda J. Lang

LM Financial


Last Updated: 3/21/25