Harper College

Planned Gifts

Ann K with recipients
I became a Harper Heritage Society member because I value education – and I value Harper.  As I reviewed my will and other legal documents. I decided to formalize my appreciation and support the school.
—Ann K.

Build a bright future for future generations while building your legacy.

With a planned gift, you can create a scholarship or support a program that is meaningful to you. The Harper Heritage Society was established to honor those who have included Harper College in their estate plans of who have established some other type of planned gift such as a charitable gift annuity. Planned gifts can be of any value and help students and the college for generations to come.

Harper students rely on gifts from donors to make their educational journeys became a reality. By establishing a planned gift with the William Rainey Harper college Educational foundation, donors can ensure that future generations of Harper students will experience that same support in reaching their goals.

Planned gifts can be made by including the William Rainey harper College educational foundation in a will or trust or by making the foundation a beneficiary of an IRA or life insurance policy. Gifts can support an existing fund, the college’s highest needs, or be used to create a new scholarship of program fund upon receipt of gift.


Planned giving donors are recognized as members of the Harper Heritage Society. For more information, visit our planned giving page at https://harpercollege.plannedgiving.org/.

Last Updated: 3/11/25