Harper College

Resource for Excellence Fund

The Resource for Excellence Fund provides funding for the development of new and innovative educational programs as well as supports faculty development, community programs and partnerships to support the needs of Harper students.  The fund also provides funding for emergent needs, such as supporting students in need during the very beginning of the COVD-19 crisis.

The Resource for Excellence fund also underwrites the Foundation’s Resource for Excellence Grants that encourage innovation and creativity among faculty and staff by funding programs and projects that support the Harper College strategic plan.

Examples of funded programs include:

  • Fund students enrolled in Undergraduate Research programs
  • Help students prepare for job interviews through the use of technology
  • Support students on the autism spectrum as they transition from High School to Harper
  • Expand access to the InZone program for children who face housing instability
  • Creation of a campus Maker-Space for students and the community
Last Updated: 3/14/25