Harper College

Community Innovation Fund Grant Program

In April 2022, the Harper College Educational Foundation announced the launch of a new program that provides grant awards to non-profit organizations in Harper’s district for projects that support the equity, diversity, and economic goals of the Community Innovation Fund Grant (CIFG) program. To date, Harper has awarded $150,000 to 11 non-profit organizations serving residents of the 23 communities in Harper's district.

The Harper College Educational Foundation is pleased to announce the third year of CIFG Program funding available for non-profit organizations in providing programs and services in Harper’s district seeking funding to support the equity, diversity, and economic goals and outcomes below. Grant applications were due on or before Friday, May 10, 2024. The committee is currently reviewing the 12 submissions.

CIFG Program Goals

Equity:   Provide equity in living, learning, teaching, and working environments; recognize everyone has a different starting point and individual needs; provide support and access to resources for all members of Harper’s community; and find solutions to remedy equity gaps.
Diversity:   Build, strengthen, and maintain a respectful and safe community where inclusivity and open exchange of ideas are encouraged and supported; operate from an individual and collective awareness of the dynamics of social identity and inequality; and identify and remove unjust barriers that limit our realization of an inclusive community.
Economic Mobility:   Improve the ability of underserved and marginalized individuals in Harper’s district communities to move up the economic ladder by creating intragenerational mobility through training and education that leads to in-demand, living-wage jobs in regional industries.

FY25 Important Dates
Grant Announced March 25, 2024
Webinar (will be recorded) April 3, 2024
Application Due Date May 10, 2024
Award Selections Made June 2024
Grant Period July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

Program Focus and Grant Amounts

Grant projects must focus on one or more of the three program goals stated above and include uplifting activities with long-lasting outcomes that are measurable and positively impactful to chronically underserved communities and the individuals who live there. In fiscal year 2024-2025, $50,000 will be available for grant awards of up to $10,000 each.  

Organizations must perform all grant activities in Harper’s service area. For a map of Harper’s district boundaries, visit Community College District #512.

Eligible Organizations

This program makes grants only to non-profit entities that are external to Harper College, including, but not limited to:

  • Non-profit organizations that have status under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code
  •  Public libraries 
  • Community-based organizations 
  • Educational foundations 
  • Community resource centers 
  • Religious organizations providing support services such as food, housing, and healthcare assistance

To maximize our impact on the community, we prioritize awarding grants to organizations with annual operating budgets of $500,000 or less. Eligible organizations may receive funding for a maximum of two years within any five-year period. Organizations that have already received two grants within the past two years will not be eligible for additional funding in fiscal year 2025.

Next Steps

  1. Read the entire Funding Opportunity Announcement.
  2. Review the webinar presentation here to learn more about the grant program and application process. 
  3. Read the updated FAQ.
  4. Be sure to respond all sections of the Project Narrative and Budget Justification included in the Funding Opportunity Announcement.
  5. Gather the organization’s most recent annual audited financial statements, a signed W-9 for the organization, and the IRS determination letter verifying non-profit status to submit as uploaded attachments to the online application.
  6. Submit your online application by 11:59 pm on Friday, May 10, 2024. 

Previous Years' Awards

In fiscal year 2023-2024, the CIFG program awarded $50,000 to six eligible non-profit organizations. The grantees are:

  • Fellowship Housing Corporation ($10,000) for the project Transitional Housing and Wrap Around Services for At-Risk Single Mothers and Kids
  • Partners for Our Communities ($10,000) for the second year of project Skyward Bound: Encouraging Marginalized Students & Their Families to Reach for the Sky
  • WINGS Program, Inc. ($10,000) for the project Educational Training and Transportation Assistance for WINGS Suburban Survivors
  • Family Forward ($10,000) for the project Debt Reduction Matching Program
  • Barrington Area Council on Aging ($5,000) for the project Comprehensive Care Management for Older and Disabled Adults
  • Special Gifts Theatre ($5,000) for the project Inclusive Musical Theatre Programs

In fiscal year 2022-2023, the CIFG program awarded $100,000 to five eligible non-profit organizations. The grantees were:

  • Partners for Our Communities ($50,000) for the project Skyward Bound: Encouraging Marginalized Students & Their Families to Reach for the Sky
  • Gigis Playhouse, Inc. ($15,000) for the Math and Literacy One-on-One Program
  • WINGS Program, Inc. ($15,000) for the WINGS Rapid Rehousing Program
  • Fellowship Housing Corporation ($10,000) for the project Transitional Housing and Wrap Around Services for At-Risk Single Mothers and Kids
  • Barrington Area Development Council ($10,000) for the project InZone for Sunny Hill
Last Updated: 3/11/25