Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
Serving on the HOPE Scholarship Committee is a great way to see HOPE’s ongoing work and mission come to fruition! Committee members review applications, help interview applicants, and select scholarship recipients. In 2025, ten scholarships will be awarded to mark the milestone of HOPE's 10 years of supporting students at Harper College. The committee meets three times starting at the end of April and has application review on your own. Please see the approximate timeline below.
2025 Scholarship Timeline*
10 Scholarships will be awarded in 2025 to celebrate HOPE's 10 years of supporting
Harper College students with the HOPE Scholarship.
Approximate Dates
March 21 Deadline to sign up for Scholarship Review Committee
Week of April 21 Committee Conference Call/Meeting to go over the scholarship committee and review process (1-hour virtual meeting specific date TBD)
April 21-May 5 Committee Review of Applications (on your own; over about 2 weeks)
Week of May 5 Committee Meets & Select Finalists for Interviews (1-hour virtual meeting)
May 19-29 HOPE Interviews
(We will select one full day within the May
19-29 timeframe for interviews in person on the Harper campus.)
Committee attends, conducts interviews and selects
Thursday, August 7 Scholarship Awards Celebration (Save the Date!)