Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
Harper College has a vibrant and growing vocal program offering opportunities for student and community vocalists of all experience levels. Harper students of any major can participate in choral ensembles.
Concert Choir performs a wide ranging repertoire including popular music, Western classical music, musical theatre, Jazz, and folk traditions from around the world. The choir appears in concert in the Performing Arts Center once each semester, and the group sometimes performs at other Harper College events and tours outside of the college.
Concert Choir is open to Harper students (regardless of major) and community members, and is designed to be a welcoming and fun experience. Please contact Amanda DeBoer Bartlett for more information (da32043@harpercullege.edu).
SPECTRA is Harper's chamber choir. It is open to all Harper students (regardless of major) and is designed for more experienced musicians. With a focus on unaccompanied/a cappella repertoire, the group performs works from all periods and cultures including Western classical music, popular music, Jazz, musical theatre, folk traditions, and contemporary and Avante-garde works from around the world. SPECTRA is an active ensemble, performing one concert per semester in the Performing Arts Center on campus, and sometimes performs at additional events both on and off-campus
Students in this ensemble should have basic music literacy and be able to learn music independently. Please contact Amanda DeBoer Bartlett for more information (da32043@harpercullege.edu).
Auditions for ensembles will happen on the first day of class and are intended to help with part placement.
For more information, contact Amanda DeBoer Bartlett: da32043@harpercollege.edu