Harper College

Strings Auditions

String applicants wishing to enroll in the Associate of Fine Arts Degree in Music program may be accepted for study in the Department of Music at one of three levels:

  • 200 String major
  • 100 Non-major
  • Strings as a secondary instrument

Alternatively, students may be referred to the College's Continuing Education (non-credit) music program for further instruction.


See the main Auditions page for important information about all auditions. String auditions require the following, by instrument:


  1. Demonstrate three octave major and minor scales and arpeggios, from three sharps through two flats; memorized.
  2. Perform an etude from Kayser's Op. 20, Fiorillo, or Mazas' Op.36, Bk.1.
  3. Perform one movement from the following (or of comparable or greater difficulty): Handel, Sonata, Mozart, Concerto No.3; or Bach, Concerto in A minor.


  1. Demonstrate three octave major and minor scales and arpeggios from three sharps through two flats; memorized.
  2. Perform an etude from Kayser's Op. 20, Fiorillo, or Mazas' Op.36, Bk.1.
  3. Perform one movement from the following (or of comparable or greater difficulty): Concerto (G.P. Telemann), Five Old French Dances (M. Marias)Concerto in B-flat (G.F. Handel) or Sonata (B. Marcello).


  1. Demonstrate major and minor scales, three octaves.
  2. Perform an etude (Poppin, DuPont, Klengel, etc.)
  3. Perform a movement from a sonata or suite, or a movement from any concert.

String Bass

  1. Demonstrate the D, E, F and G major scales, 2 octaves.
  2. Perform a solo of choice that displays contrasting styles, such as a slow and fast movement from a Baroque sonata.
  3. Perform any etude from the first volume of Sturm, Slama or Storch-Trabe.
Last Updated: 1/14/25