Harper College

Guitar Ensemble

Steven Vazquez, Director

The Harper Guitar Ensemble performs a wide range of music, often incorporating a variety of instrument combinations such as voice, flute, violin, and percussion.

Guitar Ensemble members learn to follow a conductor, take cues, communicate, practice precision in rests and attacks, and expand their dynamic ranges.

Under the direction of accomplished Chicago guitarist Steven Vazquez, the group performs at the end of each semester, with a concert featuring solos, duos, trios and more.

The ensemble also participates in the annual Mid-America Guitar Ensemble Festival. (An audition is required to participate in this ensemble.)

Audition Requirements:

  1. Be able to play C, G, D, A, E, Ami, Emi, Dmi, Bmi, F#mi chords.
  2. Be able to read standard music notation in first position on guitar.
  3. Note values of Whole, Half, Quarter, 8th and 16th notes.
  4. Minimum of one semester of classical guitar lessons highly recommended, though not required.

For more information or to schedule an audition, contact Director Steve Vazquez at svazquez@harpercollege.edu or call the Music Office at 847.925.6568.