Harper College

Keyboard Auditions

Keyboard applicants wishing to enroll in the Associate of Fine Arts Degree in Music program may be accepted for study in the Department of Music at one of three levels:

  • 200 Keyboard major
  • 100 Non-major
  • Keyboard as a secondary instrument
  • Class piano

Alternatively, students may be referred to the College's Continuing Education (non-credit) music program for further instruction.


See the main Auditions page for important information about all auditions. Keyboard auditions must be performed on piano and demonstrate basic skills and understanding of music notation, including:

  1. All major and minor scales - two octaves, hands together.
  2. All major and minor arpeggios - two octaves, hands together.
  3. Triads - all major and minor, root position and inversions, hands together, blocked and broken.
  4. V7 cadence - all major keys.
  5. I IV I V7 I - root position and inversions, all major keys, root in left hand, chords in right hand
  6. Two selections from early advanced repertoire, such as ISMTA Achievement in Music (Levels IX and above). Selections do not need to be memorized.
Last Updated: 1/14/25