Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
Kendall Vagle’s role at Harper College is one of a kind. Not only does she manage multiple marketing projects for the Foglia Foundation Health and Recreation Center, she also oversees Harper’s Gaming Lounge. Renovated in 2023, the lounge offers four 70-inch TVs, 10 gaming PCs and four gaming consoles, in addition to intramural sports including table tennis and air hockey. The space hosts a variety of gaming tournaments for popular games such as Fortnite, Super Smash Bros and Rocket League. When Kendall is not enriching the culture at Harper, she might be found with a book on the beach in New Buffalo, Michigan. Here are ten questions with Kendall Vagle.
My perfect day would start with drinking coffee and watching YouTube videos while the bread I proofed the night before is baking in the oven. After that, my partner and I would take a drive to New Buffalo, Michigan, for a day at the beach with our favorite books. We’d follow that up with burgers at Redamak’s and ice cream at Oink’s Dutch Treat for the car ride home. If we can throw in a late-night bike ride, that would make the day perfect.
“Always take things one step at a time.” – my Oma
Because of my calm and thoughtful demeanor, people often underestimate my resilience and ability to handle challenges. They might assume that I’m more affected by setbacks than I am, not realizing just how strong and adaptable I can be in difficult situations.
I would like to be best friends with Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones. Her story resonates with me – how she was able to overcome hardship and become a strong and independent leader. Who wouldn’t want a friend like that on your side?
I believe the most underrated video game is the original Ratchet & Clank on PlayStation 2. That game was ahead of its time in terms of its innovative gameplay, strong and humorous storytelling, and visually stunning graphics.
I believe my loved ones would say my compassion. When I have strong emotions for people or things, it reflects in everything that I do.
My go-to karaoke song is “Super Trouper” by ABBA.
I often wonder about space and how large it is but also how beautiful it is, especially stars.
I am hopeful for personal growth, success in my endeavors and finding fulfillment in my passions. I am also hopeful for positive changes in the world, like increased understanding and empathy among people or advancements in areas I care about.
What I love most about Harper College is the comforting feeling that everyone here has my back. Whether it’s the programs that I run, the social media posts that I create, or the new things I experiment with to meet students where they are at – there’s never a moment that I don’t feel supported in my work and in our mission to provide a rich cultural experience for our students and our community.