Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
Harper College has joined the Illinois Community College Board’s Feed the Need Food
Drive, which runs from Monday, October 21, through Tuesday, November 26.
The Illinois Community Colleges Feed the Need Food Drive aims to support those experiencing food insecurity within our communities and on our own campus. It is a friendly competition among participating colleges and Harper is honored and excited to be a part of this cause. Donations will help stock the campus pantry at the Hawks Care Resource Center.
You can make your donation at Trunk or Treat on October 25, Experience Day on November 2, or Gratitude Yoga between November 17-22.
You can also drop off your donations at any of the following campus locations:
If you're looking for inspiration, here are common donations to Harper's campus pantry:
Food insecurity is a pressing issue, affecting 1 in 3 college students nationwide (source: The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice). By participating in this drive, we can help ensure that Harper students will not experience hunger.