Harper College

Ten Questions with Brianna Ruiz

Brianna Ruiz Ten Questions

When Brianna Ruiz and the Harper College Women’s Track and Field team won the 2023 NJCAA Division III Championship title, it was an accomplishment unlike any other in her life. The early mornings, rigorous training schedule, demands of school and work, and the bonds formed with her teammates made the victory all the more sweet. But that was last season. 

As she looks ahead, she’s committed to achieving new personal bests, team victories and being an inspiration and mentor to her younger sisters. It’s this competitive spirit that drives Ruiz, day in and day out. But when she’s not trying to beat yesterday’s running time, you can find her binging Breaking Bad. Here are ten questions with Brianna Ruiz.

1. Describe your perfect day.

My perfect day would start off with some stretching before getting ready for school. From there, I’d meet up with some friends and have lunch before or after class. Then I’d head to the athletic training office at Harper before heading to practice where I’d do a road run workout. After practice, I’d head home and spend time with my sisters. That’s a perfect day to me!

2. What’s something people often get wrong about you?

People know that I’m an athlete, but they tend to assume that I’m a soccer player! Maybe it’s because I have the build of a soccer player instead of a long-distance runner. Or maybe it’s because I’m Latina and they see more Latinas playing soccer than running. 

3. You could be best friends with any fictional character, who do you choose and why?

Sully from Monsters, Inc. I really like that he doesn’t care about conforming. Instead, he cares more about what’s right for him and Boo. And who wouldn’t want a friend like that? 

4. What have you changed your mind about over the years?

My career direction! At first, I wanted to become a detective. Then I wanted to become a forensic scientist. But now I’m at a point where I’m thinking I want to be a lawyer. I love learning about the law and different court cases; it’s so fascinating.

5. What’s the last show you binged and loved and why?

The last show I binged and loved was Breaking Bad. Which, now that I think about it, probably steered me away from becoming a detective! But what I loved most about the show was following the main character’s arc. How he went from being this near-perfect person to someone with many complicated flaws. I would recommend it! 

6. What’s your advice to future aspiring track and field national champions?

Keep training during the off season! It’s important to build up your endurance – that way you have a solid foundation going into the season. 

7. What’s a color you gravitate towards and why?

Blue. It reminds me of a clear, sunny day and brings me a sense of calm. 

8. What do you wonder about?

I’m always wondering about what I can do to improve on my personal bests as a runner. I’m always setting new goals: lift heavier, run faster, things like that. Not a day goes by where I don’t think, “How can I do better than yesterday?”

9. What’s something you’re hopeful for?

I’m hopeful that one day I’ll be able to run a 5K in under 20 minutes! That and win another national championship, of course.

10. What do you love most about Harper College?

I love making new friends! Just today, I made a new friend in my design class. Walking around Building M, there’s a lot of sociable people, so it’s fun talking to them, trading Snapchats and staying in touch. You’re never alone at Harper, there’s always someone to talk to. I also like talking to Coach John [Majerus]. He keeps me motivated throughout the year and reminds me to never doubt myself.  

Last Updated: 6/13/24