Harper College

News 2023

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Karen Ramirez

May 11, 2023

Graduating means I accomplished a goal that is important to me but also my family since I'm a first generation. Karen R.

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Julissa Malagon

May 11, 2023

Graduating at Harper means a step closer to my goal. Julissa M.

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Austin Murray

May 11, 2023

Graduation means I’m more than the statistic I was made out to be since birth. Austin M.

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Nanette Decosmo

May 11, 2023

Never giving up! Nanette D.

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Abby Dorminey

May 11, 2023

My degree is not just a professional accomplishment that is going to help me in my career, it's personally proving to myself that I was able to do it. Abby D.

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Dijzhane McKinley

May 11, 2023

Graduation for me, is achieving something that was meant for me, no matter how long it took. Dijzhane M.

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Peter Agboola

May 11, 2023

[Graduation means] starting a new road to success. Peter A.

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Jessica Santos

May 11, 2023

It means that I am moving on to a new chapter in life and opening doors for new opportunities. Jessica S.

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Christian Miranda

May 11, 2023

It means the world to me. It gives me an opportunity to advance my goal of the “American dream” and help my family. Christian M.

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Nicholes Lemke

May 11, 2023

Graduation means the real start of life and the journey it will take me. Freedom. Nicholes L.

Last Updated: 2/13/24