Harper College

Realizing Dreams: Dick Kolze and Peter Tschammer


Behind every scholarship recipient is a dream. A dream of a new career. A dream of more earning potential. A dream of a better life for their family.

Behind every scholarship donation is a story. A story of honoring or paying tribute to a loved one. A story of a mission that is important to support. A story of why it is important to invest in a student’s dreams.

Meet Peter Tschammer, Timothy A. Kolze Memorial Endowment Scholarship Recipient, and the donor who helped him realize his dreams, Dick Kolze.

 Peter Tschammer

I enrolled in the Heating Ventilation and Cooling program because I am very interested in the components of maintenance work. I love working with my hands and get a satisfied feeling when I am able to diagnose a problem and fix it.

I am so grateful that I was chosen for this scholarship. I was overjoyed when I opened the letter telling me I had received this. It relieves some of my financial stress. Thank you for donating and caring about people’s educations!

Dick Kolze

My wife, Jean and I knew Harper College to be an outstanding community college. When our son, Tim, died in a car accident, we felt developing a scholarship in his name would be a good way to perpetuate his memory.

Tim was very interested in mechanical things. He liked to work with his hands. He was a graduate of William Fremd High School. He was a fine young man who died when he was twenty-one years old. He would be pleased that the students with interests similar to his are receiving help from his scholarship.

After my retirement as Superintendent of Township High School District 211, I was honored to be invited to join the Harper College Educational Foundation Board. It was as a Foundation Board member that I became keenly aware of the excellent opportunities available to students, and the excellence and quality of the Harper staff.

My positive experience with the Foundation created a desire to become more involved in the College. The result of this desire was my election to the Harper College Board of Trustees. I served in that capacity for twelve years. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the Board. It was made up of a group of dedicated people who worked hard to ensure the best possible environment for students and staff.

We have been impressed with the scholarship recipients. It is our hope that the scholarship will, in some small way, help them reach their goals.

Thank You

Thank you for being a part of the movement to support Harper students as they realize their dreams. Learn more about scholarships at Harper College at the Harper College Educational Foundation website


Last Updated: 4/1/24