Harper College

Qualified Charitable Distributions

Please make your IRA QCD check payable to:
Illinois Community College System Foundation

Mail directly to:
Illinois Community College System Foundation
Attn: Terri Winfree
401 E Capitol Ave
Springfield, IL 62701

In partnership with the Illinois Community College System Foundation (ICCSF), the Harper College Educational Foundation can now accept Qualified Charitable Distributions from IRA accounts. The ICCSF accepts the QCDs on behalf of the Harper College Educational Foundation, and 100% of your gift supports Harper College students.

You can use these gifts to strengthen an existing scholarship fund, create your own scholarship, or provide general assistance to college programs and initiatives.

Just like donating via cash or check, giving from your IRA is an immediate and impactful way to support Harper College students and programs. Unlike a cash gift, it helps you save on your taxes in the process.

If you are ready to make a gift with your QCD, please click the button above or contact Heather Zoldak at hzoldak@harpercollege.edu or 847.925.6319 and she will provide you the form needed to work with the Illinois Community College System Foundation.

Your QCD gift must be made payable to the Illinois Community College System and must be sent directly to the address below.

Please make your IRA QCD check payable to:
Illinois Community College System Foundation

Mail directly to:
Illinois Community College System Foundation
Attn: Terri Winfree
401 E Capitol Ave
Springfield, IL 62701

Thank you for investing in Harper College students and programs!

Last Updated: 3/14/25