Harper College

Important Facility Updates

Exterior HRC

For important facility updates, please select the applicable category below.

Canning Student Center
The new Canning Student Center, a cutting-edge 144,000-square-foot building, located just steps from the Foglia Foundation Health and Recreation Center will break ground this month and will be a welcoming beacon in our community. This new front door to campus will centralize services that are critical to student success, convene campus life activities to help foster students’ sense of belonging, and house the University Center and Hospitality Management programs.

Other features include:
Bridge to the Foglia Foundation Health and Recreation Center (Building M)
Vegetated roof to advance the college’s sustainability efforts
Redesigned drop-off area from Algonquin Road entrance
Construction Information
Beginning the week of January 20, construction fencing will be placed around the perimeter of the construction site. This fencing will affect the drop off area and front entrance to the Health and Recreation Center. Therefore, all members, patrons and guests visiting the Health and Recreation Center and NCH Endeavor Health should park in Lot 1 and utilize the new drop off area also located in Lot 1 and is proximal to the south façade of the building. The Canning Student Center construction will impact parking and pedestrian walkways so please refer to wayfinding. The anticipated completion for the Canning Student Center is Summer 2027. 

For up to date information on campus construction and interactive maps,please visit the links provided below.

Campus Construction
Interactive Campus Map

Friday, March 21

  • The men's locker room will be closed to repair the light fixtures beginning at 5:30 a.m. The men's locker room will reopen once the work has been completed. Please use the open locker room during this time. The athletic locker room and the and the coaches locker room will not be impacted.
  • Additional lighting will be installed by the lockers outside of the fitness center on the upper level near the elevators impacting access to the stairwell and elevator.

Monday, March 24 through Thursday, March 27

  • West side exterior speaker installation will take place impacting the fitness floor inside. Select treadmills will be offline to access wires/power.

Tuesday, March 25

  • The TV in the dance studio will be reinstalled during the morning hours. Therefore the studio will be temporarily closed.
  • Testing of the sprinklers will take place in the northeast corner (Court D) of the fieldhouse. Access to that area may be limited.

Thursday, March 27

  • The fire hydrants near Building M will be flushed and inspected.

Friday, March 28

  • Beginning at 6 a.m. Harper Facilities will be conducting an audio and visual test on the speaker system in Building M. The goal is to have the testing completed by 8am. 

Sunday, April 20 Easter Sunday: Closed
Monday, May 27 Memorial Day: Closed 
Wednesday, July 3: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Thursday, July 4 Independence Day: Closed 
Friday, July 5: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday, August 9 to Sunday, August 11: Closed for Annual Cleaning 
Monday, September 2 Labor Day: 
Wednesday, November 27: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving Day: Closed 
Friday, November 29 The day after Thanksgiving: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Saturday, November 30: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Sunday, December 1: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
Tuesday, December 24 Christmas Eve: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.  
Wednesday, December 25 Christmas Day: Closed 
Wednesday, December 25 Christmas Day: Closed 
Thursday, December 26: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.  
Tuesday, December 31 New Year's Eve: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Wednesday, January 1 New Year’s Day: Closed 
Thursday, January 2: Regular hours

There are no weather closures at thtis time.


Last Updated: 3/21/25