Harper College

AIM Instructions for Students: Alternative Format Requests

A Step-by-step Guide on Requesting Alternative Formats (For Textbooks)

  • Accommodations need to be requested on AIM prior to this request.
  • Please have book ISBN and proof of purchase ready.
  1. Log into AIM as directed on the Requesting Accommodations guide.
  2. Go to My Accommodations, on the left-hand side and select Alternative Formats.
    alternative testing menu
  3. Navigate to Request Alternative Formats for [Current Semester] [Current Year] (e.g., Spring 2025):
    request alternative formats interface
  4. Choose the Select link (on the right side) to select the specific textbook for your course.
    1. NOTE: Please select the Correct ISBN which matches your physical book. There are several editions/publications of the same book. Do not select multiple entries of the same book.
      select alternative format interface
  5. If your reading material does not appear in the list, navigate to Reading Materials, and type in the course name and section number (e.g., BIO 101.003):
    reading material interface
  6. In the Notes section, enter the following information:
    1. The textbook title and edition
    2. Publisher Name
    3. ISBN (as found on the physical book)
  7. Click the Submit Request button.
    submit request button
  8. 7. Expect an email from the ADS Assistive Technology Lab requesting further information (e.g., proof of purchase, receipt, and syllabus) for your request via your Harper Student email.
Last Updated: 1/28/25