Harper College

Getting Started for New Students

  1. Apply to Harper online at  https://harpercollege.force.com/apply.  If you have questions about applying, placement testing, orientation, financial aid, etc., please contact The One Stop.
  2. Apply for ADS services with the Online Student Application. 
  3. You will receive a welcome email with a link to upload your documentation of disability. You can use an electronic copy of your IEP, 504 Plan, Summary of Performance, other medical/psychological documentation or this release of information form, that lists your diagnosis and demonstrates how your disability affects your learning, mobility, and/or communication.
  4. Unable to upload your documentation? Email it to ads@harpercollege.edu.
  5. After submitting your application, call 847.925.6266 voice, or 224.836.5048 Video Phone for Deaf callers, to schedule your in-person, phone or Webex video intake interview.
  6. Attend the intake interview. Your Access Advocate will discuss accommodation eligibility and your next steps.
  7. Keep up to date with your enrollment steps through your “MyHarper” Student Portal.
  8. Complete placement testing if needed.  An Access Advocate will assist and discuss placement testing options with you during your intake interview.
  9. All degree-seeking students must attend orientation. An Access Advocate can assist with this process and make recommendations to your academic advisor about selecting courses that fit your interest and abilities.
  10. After you have completed orientation, follow up with Access Advocate. At your follow-up meeting, your Advocate will review how to request accommodations using your AIM portal.

View the 2023 Open House video
ADS Open House Video Timeline

  • 0:00-2:06: Introduction
  • 2:06-3:54: Interim Director Remarks 
  • 4:05-8:56: Admission Office 
  • 9:07-14:28: Academic Advising 
  • 14:36-23:24: Access and Disability Services 
  • 23:29-32:17: Harper Students 
  • 32:17-56:32: Questions and Answers 

Have questions? See the FAQ below:

There are many ways to get documentation to support your request for services from ADS. The most common are:

  • Request documentation of your disability from your high school, such as a 504 Plan, Summary of Performance, or copies of your IEPs.
  • For a medical or psychological disability, you can use a DSM/Medical Release of Information form, sign it and give to your doctor, psychologist, or other diagnostic professional to record your diagnosis, and his/her recommendations for accommodations.

Accommodations in college are approved through a different system and are guided by a different law than high school accommodations.  Some major differences between the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, covering K-12 accommodations) and the Americans with Disabilities Act to keep in mind are the responsibility now falls on the student as opposed to the parents or school, and that college accommodations are provided to ensure equal access, not specifically success. Any accommodations that you would like to request should be included in your application for services from ADS.  You and your Access Advocate can discuss them during your intake appointment.

ADS staff are committed to your success. You have access to your Accommodation Plan anytime through your AIM student portal .   Each semester, you  choose and submit your accommodations  for each of your classes. This generates an email to each instructor, detailing your approved accommodations for that semester.

Keep in mind that accommodations are not retroactive. Be proactive and get your accommodation plan set before or soon after your class(es) begin. Use your accommodations as you see fit.


ADS staff will also provide you with disability advising, academic support, guidance, and encourage you to attend campus and disability cultural events. Staff have expertise working with students who are experiencing stress or who are struggling academically. Should you encounter any difficulties, contact ADS for an appointment as early as possible to avoid issues that may impact your course success.

Last Updated: 6/10/24