Harper College

Frequently Asked Questions

Students who are considering a degree in Computer Information Systems but are unsure of which area of study most interests them should start with CIS 101. CIS 101 provides an overview of all areas of Computer Information Systems, including applications, information systems, networking, and web development.

Both CIS 100 and CIS 101 provide an introduction to Computer Information Systems concepts. However, CIS 100 is designed for non-business majors. It emphasizes computer applications and concepts and spends less time on business information systems. CIS 101 is designed for business majors. Students seeking a degree in Computer Information Systems must take CIS 101.

Yes. There is a standardized exam available to earn proficiency credit for CIS 101. See CLEP: Information Systems. This exam is available in the Harper College Assessment and Testing Center.

See Tuition and Fees** for current rates. Most courses in Computer Information Systems are three credit hours. All department courses have a lab fee of $5 to $75.

Classes are offered in a variety of daytime, evening, and online options. Most courses start in August, January, and June. Some have late start or mid-semester start dates. See the Course Schedule for details.

Registration may be completed online or in person. Full-time students register for classes as part of their orientation. See Registration for more information.

Course textbooks are listed on the Harper College Bookstore website. Books may be purchased directly from the Harper Bookstore or you can use the ISBN numbers to locate and purchase books elsewhere.

Workforce Investment Act (WIOA) program and Illinois workNet information is available on the Harper College web site. See WIOA-Approved Harper Programs.

Many Computer Information Systems courses are accepted for credit at other institutions. However, students intending to transfer to another institution must confirm degree or course transferability with that institution. See Transfer Information for more information.

All transcripts are evaluated by the Registrar's Office. You may request a transcript evaluation using a convenient online form. Once your transcript has been evaluated, contact the department coordinator with any credit or scheduling questions you have.

All students seeking a degree are required to take ENG 101. For your second communications course you may choose between ENG 102 Composition, ENG 103 Technical and Report Writing, and SPE 101 Fundamentals of Speech Communication. ENG 102 and SPE 101 are most likely to transfer to other institutions. SPE 101 is recommended for most Computer Information Systems students.

All students seeking a degree are required to take 9 hours in a minimum of two of these areas. Three hours must be in a course that meets the World Cultures and Diversity graduation requirement. PHI 115 Ethics, PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology, and SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology are recommended.

Contact us with any additional questions you have.

**Cost of Attendance Information

Last Updated: 3/3/25