Harper College will be closed Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1 for Winter Break.

Harper College

Conduct / Disciplinary Records

Student conduct (formerly known as disciplinary or judicial) records exist separate from your academic record (i.e. transcript), and are subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This means that you are permitted to review your own student conduct record and you have to provide a signed release if you want someone to be able to view the information. There are some times where the College may share information contained in your student record, such as:

  • When another College official or office has a legitimate educational interest in the information
  • When you enroll or seek to enroll at another institution and they have a legitimate educational interest in the information
  • When there is a threat to health or safety (as defined by law and College policy)
  • When you have provided written permission for the content of your records to be shared with another party, such as for a background or check
  • Other situations described by applicable law or College policy, such as subpoenas

Sanctions are not recorded on your academic transcript except:

  • If you have been disciplinarily suspended from Harper College, the period of suspension is reflected on your transcript.
  • If you have been dismissed or expelled from Harper College through the student conduct process, that is designated as a permanent sanction.

If you have been disciplinarily suspended, dismissed, or expelled, your student conduct record will be maintained permanently. Otherwise, student conduct records are maintained for a period of seven years following the closure of the case (including the completion of sanctions). This is to comply with federal laws that require the College to retain records to support its crime and disciplinary statistics.

Examples of the kinds of things that are maintained in a student conduct record include: 

  • A copy of a formal report
  • Letters written to you about the case
  • A summary of a campus conduct investigation
  • The outcome of a case
  • Correspondence related to the case
Last Updated: 12/14/23