Academic Dishonesty Procedures
The best ways to avoid academic dishonesty in the first place include:
- Don't try to take short cuts. Students who attempt to cheat because they don't have
time to do well on a test or a paper often end up with an F instead of the C or B
that they would have earned.
- Cite your sources - even in rough drafts.
- Cite your sources - even when paraphrasing
- If you aren't sure how to cite sources accurately, talk with your instructor or visit
a campus tutoring center.
- Proofread your papers - if the words don't read like how you usually talk or write,
try typing the words into an internet search engine. Your instructors have the same
access to the internet as you do, and they can often spot writing that is above or
below your usual writing level.
- Talk to your instructor, especially if you experience unexpected circumstances or
stresses. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE - have the conversation sooner rather than later!
- In addition, the College has a medical withdrawal process in place for extreme circumstances. Talk to your advisor to learn more about that
process if you feel your circumstances may warrant it.
Your faculty/instructors are the ones who determine if you have engaged in academic
dishonesty in a specific course. Forms of academic dishonesty include:
- Cheating - accessing or using unauthorized materials
- Plagiarism - reproducing someone else's words or ideas without accurate acknowledgement
- Falsifying information - providing untrue information relating to your education
- Facilitating dishonesty - participating in an act that creates unearned advantage for another
- Unauthorized collaboration - getting assistance from another without permission
If your instructor thinks you have engaged in academic dishonesty, he/she should inform
you of that and also inform you of the academic penalty. Then an academic dishonesty
report is sent by the instructor to the Student Conduct Officer, who provides you
with a copy of the report and instructions about how to appeal the decision through
the Academic Complaint Process as described on p. 20 of the Student Code of Conduct.
A student conduct record is created and maintained for seven years, in accordance
with the campus conduct recordkeeping practices.
If you are involved in more than one incident of academic dishonesty at Harper College,
you may face charges under the Student Code of Conduct, including potential dismissal from the College.