Harper College will be closed Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1 for Winter Break.

Harper College

Understanding Students' Rights

Once a student is admitted to Harper, they are entitled to pursue the educational opportunities that Harper offers and is also entitled to the procedural protections that Harper provides to students. Some of those protections include:

  • If a student meets the pre-requirements and enrolls in a course pursuant to college procedures, they can attend the course.
  • If charged with violating the Student Code of Conduct, a student has the right to know what they are accused of violating and has the opportunity to respond to that complaint.
  • To review information contained in their education record, as described in the campus FERPA policy.

This means that it is important that you educate yourself on the procedures of the College, and that you don't act outside of them. Your department chair and dean, Harper Police, the Student Conduct Officer, and the Dean of Students can assist you if you have questions about college procedures pertaining to student behavior. Some key points include:

  • If you need to ask a student to leave class due to disruptive behavior, it should only be for that specific class period and there shouldn't be an academic penalty imposed. If there is work or a quiz missed, you should consult with your Dean as to whether or not you should allow the student to make it up.
  • If you have filed an academic dishonesty referral, it is important to remember that the student may decide to challenge your decision.
  • This means you shouldn't dissuade the student from finishing the rest of the course in case your decision is overturned by the Department Chair, Dean, or Provost.
  • Students can't be removed from class permanently unless a formal campus process occurs, such as the Student Conduct Process or the process documented in handbooks and distributed to students by special-admit programs.
  • In certain situations, students may still be intermittingly prohibited from attending class while a campus conduct process occurs — this means you would need to report the incident to police and/or file a formal student conduct complaint. Both HCPD and the Student Conduct Officer can offer you suggestions for managing the situation if it does not appear to rise to the level of needing to remove the student from class.
Last Updated: 12/20/23