Harper College

Course Reserves

Material is placed on Reserve by instructors to assure its availability and accessibility for class use. Reserve items may be borrowed by Harper students, faculty and staff. Items on reserve may include:

  • Library material.
  • Reprints (The Library is not responsible for these items).
  • Instructor's additional material (The Library is not responsible for these items).
  • Some items are on reserve to prevent loss.

The loan periods of Reserve materials are:

  • 2 hours: Materials are signed out for that period and are usually for Library Use Only.
  • Overnight Materials circulate for one day including the day the item is checked out. The following day is the due date.
  • 3 days: Materials circulate for three days including the day the item is checked out, the following day, and the third day, which is the due date.
  • 1 week: Materials circulate for seven days from the day checked out.


  • Reserve material may not be renewed.
  • Faculty, staff, and administrators are required to adhere to Reserve loan periods and restrictions.

Procedure for Putting Items on Reserve for Teachers

  • Collect the materials you want to put on Reserve. You may place your own materials on Reserve, provided that it does not violate copyright law.
  • Fill out the Course Reserves form
  • Know that processing time for Course Reserve requests may vary. 
  • Remember that your students may not be the only patrons who wish to use items on a particular topic. We ask that you do not to put every item the Library owns, on a subject, on Reserve.
  • E-mail coursereserves@harpercollege.edu with any questions.

Assistance with Electronic Materials for Teachers

  • The Library can assist teachers with providing and uploading electronic materials, including e-books, onto their classes' Blackboard pages.
  • Teachers should reach out to their librarian liaison to help with this process. The librarian liaison for each division can be found here.
  • Teachers may provide their own electronic materials, provided that it does not violate copyright law. For non-library items, or items not currently available through the library databases, faculty will need to show fair use compliance or a letter of permission to use the items electronically.
Last Updated: 11/18/24