Harper College will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Librarian, Professor
Library Liaison to: Health Sciences / Physical and Life Sciences
Phone: 847.925.6763
E-mail: jedstrom@harpercollege.edu
Office: F146
As Coordinator of Technical Services, I oversee acquisitions (the ordering and purchase of materials for Library collections), cataloging (the bibliographic organization and processing of materials received), and serials (the check-in and organization of Library periodicals). I also spend a significant amount of time at the Reference Desk and in conducting Library instruction sessions for Harper classes. Ultimately, my role is guided by an understanding that every function within the Library is interrelated, whether it be related to public or technical services.
I have been acting as liaison to Health Careers and Public Safety (and its predecessor, Life Sciences and Health Services) since 1999. Like my own field of librarianship, the disciplines within these divisions are devoted to guiding patrons to the necessary information and resources that will resolve their questions. I rely upon this service ethic and the expertise of faculty within HCPS to select the materials that will properly reflect the curriculum of its disciplines.
The Library's central purpose is to support, complement and supplement the Harper College curriculum. All Harper faculty understand that learning occurs in a wide variety of environments and contexts, and the Library is a crucial place for students to bring their learning experiences together to fashion a new understanding.
In the process of collection development, I am committed to being as much a learner as a teacher — to view the curriculum through the eyes of a student and so to make my contribution to ensuring the continued outstanding quality of education at Harper College.
I currently serve on the Faculty Senate as secretary, Learning Communities, Oversight Committee and the New Faculty Course Subcommittee. I teach History 111 (United States to 1877) and History 219 (Illinois History). I started working at Harper College in 1996.