Harper College will be closed Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1 for Winter Break.

Harper College

Career Readiness

Engage in partnerships to develop programs in existing and emerging career areas that enable students to succeed in a global economy.

Goal Targets 2010-2015

  • 75% of Bridge students who successfully complete a bridge will also successfully complete a college-level course.  > >Achieved
  • 50% of adult Fast Track programs and 10% of the general (non-adult exclusive) career programs will include integrated career readiness skills. > >Not Achieved
  • Embed workforce certifications (e.g. National Career Readiness Certification or NCRC) into appropriate educational programs that serve adult students. > >Partially Achieved

Supporting Documentation

Active Goal Strategies for FY2015

Institutionalized Goal Strategies

Inactive Goal Strategies

Last Updated: 12/14/23