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Harper College

Global Scholar Distinction

Global Scholar illustration

"You have to take ownership and leadership of tomorrow. For that to be possible, you have to strengthen your capacity and widen your vision as a global citizen."

- Ban Ki-moon

The Global Scholar Distinction program gives you an opportunity to explore intercultural and international perspectives as you pursue your major at Harper College.  It is designed to expand your awareness of global systems, the interdependence of cultures, sustainable development, and global justice, equity and peace. At completion, you'll be rewarded with a graduation distinction in recognition of your accomplishment. No matter your field of study, this distinction helps you build skills to be an agent of change in the world.

How to Become a Global Scholar
Complete three qualifying classes (see list far below) that may already be a part of your degree plan. Upon completion of at least two qualifying classes, enroll in CAP 201: Social Transformation Capstone (2 or 3 credits) and work on a capstone project under the guidance of a faculty mentor.


  • Work closely with your Harper faculty mentor and support network from start to finish
  • Immersion into different cultural contexts which can open doors to future employment, scholarship possibilities, and an enriched higher education experience
  • Gain a deeper understanding on how to be an engaged global citizen and the interconnectedness of world systems
  • Gain an understanding of intercultural communication and sociolinguistic awareness
  • Get a competitive edge when highlighted on your resume
  • Receive an official designation on your academic transcript and diploma. Recognized with a regalia stole at graduation.

Questions? Contact the Director of the Office of International Education, Richard Johnson by email (rjohnson@harpercollege.edu) or by phone 847.925.6429. While a recommendation isn't needed, faculty and staff are invited to recommend students who would embrace the Global Scholar experience. Please complete this student recommendation form.

  • Grade of C or better in 9 hours of interdisciplinary academic coursework (List of approved courses below.)
  • Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • Completion of CAP201: Social Transformation Capstone, where you will complete a capstone project proposal and independent study project with support from your faculty mentor

ANT 101, 202, 206

ARC 223

ART 133

CHN 101, 102, 201, 202

DIV 101

ECO 200

EDU 220

FAS 110

FIS 280

FRN 101, 102, 201, 202, 205, 210

GEG 100, 101, 103, 104

GER 101, 102, 201, 202, 205, 210, 230

HED 200, 202, 204

HMS 121

HST 121, 210, 214, 231, 232, 241, 242, 243, 245

HSC 225

HUM 104, 105, 106, 107, 110, 115, 125

JPN 101, 102, 201, 202, 205

LIT 208, 220, 223, 224

LNG 205, 225

MCM 200

MGT 165

MUS 104, 108

NTR 205

PHI 160, 190, 205, 215

PSC 250, 260, 270, 280

PSY 101, 251

SGN 210

SOC 101, 120, 205, 215, 230, 235

SPA 101, 102, 201, 202, 205, 210

SPE 215

THE 121

Once you have completed 2 required courses, you are eligible to enroll in CAP 201 for either 2 or 3 credits. Both options involve developing an e-portfolio, reviewing and writing reflections on case studies, class participation, a capstone project proposal, and a final capstone project.  The difference between the two sections is that the 3 credit hour course involves a service-learning component, where you complete some type of community service with an organization, while the 2 credit hour course does not include this service learning component. 

Enrollment in the CAP 201 course requires a consultation with the Office of International Education's Director, Nellie Khalil, (nkhalil1@harpercollege.edu) and approval from the Associate Provost.

  1. Describe the interdependence and interconnectedness of world systems (e.g., financial, technological, economic, political, religious, etc) and their components (e.g., nations, ethnic groups, social classes, etc.).
  2. Explain basic information about other cultures (e.g., their histories, values, politics, economics, communication styles, values, beliefs, and/or practices).
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of one or more aspects of the social, political, cultural, economic, or historical context of at least one region of the world outside of the United States.
  4. Demonstrate competence in intercultural communication and/or sociolinguistic awareness (e.g., acquiring basic local language skills, articulating differences in verbal/ non-verbal communication, adjusting one’s speech to accommodate individuals from other cultures).
  5. Analyze Western and non-Western cultural traditions in a world context or from a comparative perspective.
  6. Evaluate issues of social justice and sustainable development (e.g., identify ethical, political, economic, social and/or environmental global challenges and evaluate local and broader consequences of individual and collective interventions).
Last Updated: 1/14/25