Harper College

Faculty Study Abroad Proposal

Create a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program

Experience the ultimate rewards of leading a group of students abroad.  

Discover the benefits of leading a program:

  • Enhance your professional development
  • Expand your intercultural competence
  • Foster students' academic and intercultural growth

The first step in unlocking the potential of your new faculty-led program by completing a proposal. Our comprehensive guide will assist you in outlining the essential details, ensuring that your program is tailored to meet the needs of your students and covers all crucial aspects.

Rest assured, the Office of International Education is here to support you every step of the way. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

  1. The faculty schedule a meeting with the Director of International Education to discuss a proposal.
    • This meeting should be scheduled at least 14-18 months prior to the anticipated course departure date.
  2. Faculty read the Faculty Education Abroad Handbook.
  3. Prior to completing the Faculty-led Proposal and associated forms, faculty must consult with their chair/coordinator and dean about their proposal. These individuals may have insights useful to preparing the Proposal.
  4. Complete the Faculty-led Proposal and all supplemental forms (full list below).
  5. Meet with appropriate Department Chair or Program Coordinator for Proposal approval signature.
  6. Meet with appropriate Division Dean for Proposal approval and signature.
  7. Meet with the Director of International Education for submission of all application materials. The final program proposal for a spring or summer offering is due to the Director no later than the first Friday of March of the year before the program is expected to be offered.
    • For programs that will be offered during the winter intersession, the final program proposal is due to the Director no later than the first Friday of February of the year before the program is expected to be offered.
  8. The Study Abroad Proposal Review committee reviews all proposals using the Study Abroad Proposal rubric. Changes may be recommended.
  9. After the committee approves the proposal it will be submitted to the Associate Provost for provisional approval.
    • All approvals are provisional until the signature page has been signed by both the Provost and the President of Harper College. On occasion, an additional meeting
      between the Director, faculty leaser, and Associate Provost may be necessary for final approval.
  10. After the Associate Provost has approved the program can outreach and recruitment for programs may begin.
    • Ideally, a marketing and recruitment plan can be created during the summer session and recruitment can begin in earnest in August and September.
  11. Faculty will be required to participate in a Faculty Leader Education Abroad Training.
  12. Prior to departure, faculty must complete and submit Faculty Leaser Information Packet.
  13. Within two weeks of return, faculty must schedule a Debrief Meeting with students.
    • A student Evaluation survey is administered.

Process Responsibilities

Recruitment and Marketing

Faculty, Director, OIE Program Assistant


Faculty, OIE Program Assistant, Director

Classes on schedule

Director with Dean/ Program Coordinator


OIE Program Assistant, Faculty, Director

Student application, essay, payments, paperwork

Student, OIE Program Assistant, Faculty, Director, Business Office