Harper College

Business Administration Sample Transfer Plan

Start at Harper. Transfer to a four-year university.

Transfer majors manufacturing construction icon

  • Accounting
  • Business admin/management
  • Finance/insurance
  • Human resources
  • Marketing

Get your Associate in Arts degree and transfer to a four-year institution to complete a program in business administration, management, marketing or a related field. Take core classes along with business-focused courses in areas such as business organization, macroeconomics, financial and managerial accounting, business statistics and more.

Harper College is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, a leading association for business education.

The program benefits from a 19:1 student-to-faculty ratio, meaning that you’ll work closely with professors and get individual attention in the classroom. Many courses are available online, or you can take a mix of online and on-campus classes.

This program is a convenient and affordable way to begin your college education. Academic advisors will help you choose courses that meet the specific requirements of the four-year college or university you plan to attend.

Sample transfer plan

This sample transfer planning guide meets the requirements of the Associate in Arts degree and follows the Illinois Articulation Initiative business administration baccalaureate major recommendations. Students choosing to follow this sample plan need to choose the major of Associate in Arts if needing financial aid. Students will choose a major within the business field at the four-year institution they attend. Transfer institution requirements may vary - students should check individual college/university requirements before completing the sample plan as outlined. Baccalaureate admission may be competitive. Completion of these courses alone does not guarantee admission.


Number Course Title Credits
ECO 211 3

Description:  Covers economic problems faced by the individual and the firm. Examination of market structures, price and output determination. The microeconomic approach. IAI S3 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

ENG 101 3

Description:  Emphasizes the writing of expository prose. Introduction to the critical reading of nonfiction prose. IAI C1 900

Prerequisite: ENG 096 with a grade of P or other placement options: english-placement-grid.php ESL students need one of the following options: ESL 073 and ESL 074 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 086 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 099 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 with required writing placement test score; or ESL 074 with required reading placement test score.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

MGT 111 3

Description:  Introduces the nature of business and the environment in which it operates. Forms of business ownership, introduction to operative and facilitating facets of business operation, management, marketing, accounting, statistics, business law, finance, investments, insurance and labor-management relations.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

MTH 134 1 4

Description:  Designed specifically for students in business and the social sciences and does not count toward a major or minor in mathematics. It emphasizes applications of the basic concepts of calculus rather than proofs. Topics include limits; techniques of differentiation applied to polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; partial derivatives and applications; maxima and minima of functions; and elementary techniques of integration including substitution and integration by parts. Business and social science applications are stressed throughout the course. IAI M1 900-B

Prerequisite: MTH 103 (College Algebra) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025


Number Course Title Credits
CIS 101 3

Description:  Provides students with an introduction to computer and information systems used in business environments. Includes computer hardware, operating systems, information systems, programming concepts, computer security and ethics, and trains students in the use of business software including word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, database management software, networking and internet access methods. IAI BUS 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

ECO 212 3

Description:  Covers economic problems faced by our society. Examination of resource allocation, national income and economic development, from a macroeconomic approach. IAI S3 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

ENG 102 3

Description:  Continues ENG 101. Reading literature and writing of various types of prose. Introduces methods used in writing investigative papers. IAI C1 901R

Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor or department chair.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

MTH 225 4

Description:  Focuses on the use of statistical concepts as decision-making tools with an emphasis on business-related applications. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability theory, and inferential methods including chi-square tests, regression analysis, and ANOVA. This course is strongly recommended for business majors. You may not receive credit for more than one of MTH 225 OR MTH 165 OR MTH 162 OR MGT 225. (IAI M1 902/IAI BUS 901)

Prerequisite: MTH 103 (College Algebra) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options (including meeting the Geometry requirement). mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

Physical and Life Science2 3


Number Course Title Credits
ACC 101 4

Description:  Presents accounting as an information system that produces summary financial statements primarily for users external to a business. Emphasizes the reporting of the effect of transactions and other economic events on the financial condition and operating results of a business. Topics include: basic accounting concepts, financial statements, accrual and cash basis, the accounting cycle, monetary assets, inventories, fixed assets, current and long-term liabilities, and owner’s equity. The course assumes a corporate form of organization. NOTE: High school algebra is recommended. IAI BUS 903

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

Humanities and Fine Arts3 3
Physical and Life Science2 4
Social and Behavioral Science4 3
SPE 101 3

Description:  Theory and practice of oral communications. Development of poise, confidence and skill in speech organization and delivery. Emphasis on frequent speaking, development of standards of criticism and selection and organization of material. IAI C2 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025


Number Course Title Credits
ACC 102 3

Description:  Presents accounting as a system of producing information for internal management use in a business. Emphasis is on the identification, accumulation and interpretation of information for planning, controlling and evaluating the performance of the separate components of a business. Topics include: theory and application of product costing, operational control, cost allocation, performance evaluation for manufacturing and service organizations, standard costing, job order and process costing, budgeting, JIT inventory control, decentralized operations, differential analysis, capital investment analysis and financial statement analysis. IAI BUS 904

Prerequisite: ACC 101 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

Humanities and Fine Arts3 6
Major Discipline and Transfer Elective5 3

1 - Students who have previous credit in MTH 200 should speak to their academic advisor regarding using this credit in lieu of MTH 134.

2 - Select one Physical and one Life Science course. At least one must include a lab. Refer to the Associate in Arts degree for approved courses in this category.

3 - PHI 115 is recommended. Select at least one course from Humanities and one from Fine Arts. Interdisciplinary courses may count in either category. Refer to the Associate in Arts degree for approved courses in this category. One course from Humanities and Fine Arts or from Social and Behavioral Sciences must meet the World Cultures and Diversity graduation requirement for the Associate in Arts degree.

4 - PSY 101 is recommended and meets the World Culture and Diversity graduation requirement. Refer to the Associate in Arts degree for approved courses in this category. One course from Humanities and Fine Arts or from Social and Behavioral Sciences must meet the World Cultures and Diversity graduation requirement for the Associate in Arts degree.

5 - MKT 217 is recommended. Students should check with the school they are planning on transferring to. Refer to the Associate in Arts degree for approved courses in this category.

Earn your bachelor's degree on Harper's campus

Through the University Center, you can earn a bachelor's degree from a four-year university by taking courses offered at Harper's Palatine campus. The University Center makes earning a university degree more convenient, affordable, and accessible.

This program offers an entirely 8-Week Course format option. Learn more.

To learn more, visit the University Center website.

Next steps

For more information about studying business administration at Harper College, contact Admission Outreach at 847.925.6700, or submit a request information form. You can also apply online.

Last Updated: 3/3/25