Our student to teacher ratio is 22:1 and under which means you get personal attention
from dedicated instructors.
A balance of full-time faculty and in-the-field instructors. Teachers have master’s
degrees and years of professional experience.
Our programs focus on career preparation and experiential learning. Classroom learning
can be easily applied to career achievement.
Courses that fits your busy schedule
Most of our career classes are either through our online programs, through our successful
Fast Track program or through our national Apprenticeship program.
Enroll in Fast Track, a program for busy students. The part time, accelerated program meets one night
a week and some of the programs are fully online. Classes are pre-scheduled to ensure
on time graduation and supported with wrap around services for your success.
Prepare for success
The IDEAShop, the MakerSpace and Entrepreneur Center, is the place to get hands on practice for
any maker.
The Business and Entrepreneurship Club provides an opportunity for our students to gain business and relationship building
experience by participating in global sustainability challenges, nationwide pitch
competitions and creating business focused events on campus. This club is also involved
in social entrepreneurship and giving back to the community, locally and abroad, and
working closely with our IDEAShop: the Harper MakerSpace and Entrepreneurship Center.
Harper's Business EdVantage program provides affordable tuition rates for out-of-district students who work in-district.