Harper College

ProctorU Procedure

Creating a ProctorU Account

In order to take an exam that’s proctored digitally with ProctorU, students must first create a ProctorU account. Below are the steps for creating such an account.

1. Go to www.proctoru.com
First time users will click “Sign Up” at the top of the page.

2. Register as a “Test-Taker”

Test Taker


3. Select “William Rainey Harper College” as the Institution 

Create Account

4. Complete the rest of the biographical questions which include name, email address, username and password amongst other questions.
PLEASE NOTE: If you live in Harper’s district, choose (GMT-6:00) US/Central as your Time Zone.

5. Agree to the “Terms & Conditions”

6. Click “Create Account”


Scheduling a ProctorU Exam

Test-takers should schedule to take an exam at least 72 hours in advance, otherwise they’ll pay a $12.00 “late-registration” fee.

1. Go to www.proctoru.com and click “User Login”. Login using ProctorU login credentials.

Sign In
Schedule Session

2. Next, select the Institution (William Rainey Harper College), a term (Placement Test or Course test are the two choices) and the exam.

Select Session


3. Select a date and time. Please Note – Exams must be scheduled at least 72 hours in advance. Exams scheduled any sooner will require a $12.00 late registration fee to be paid.

Select Date


4. My Cart will have the “receipt”, which should be $0.00 if the test was scheduled at least 72 in advance.

My Cart

Order Receipt

5. Prior to exam day, the student should make sure their equipment like the webcam and operating system is compatible with ProctorU’s requirements.

Test Equipment


Test Day Preparations

1. Start by going to Harper College’s ProctorU home page and logging in with your ProctorU credentials:

Sign In

2. Upcoming exams are shown in the “My Exams” section. Click the Exam link to head to the proctoring room.

My Exams

3. Confirm personal information and that the correct exam is about to be taken.

Check In

4. The examinees will be taken through a series of authentication questions before connecting to the proctor. Make sure a valid, government issued ID is available to verify identity.

5. A live proctor will then connect who will administer an authentication quiz ask the examinee to review their surroundings with the web camera to confirm that the space is free of distractions and unauthorized test materials.

6. Student will now proceed to your exam either in the MyHarper Student Portal or Blackboard and navigate to the desired exam.


Last Updated: 11/19/24