Harper College

Course Testing (Online Courses, Make-Ups, Access and Disability)

Distance Learning

The Testing Center provides a secure, centralized location for students enrolled in Internet-based and blended courses that require proctored testing. Students will be notified by their instructor if their tests are given in the Testing Center.

Make-up Testing

When a faculty member and student are unable to make alternate arrangements, the Testing Center can assist with a make-up test.  The Testing Center defines a Make-up test as a single instance when a student misses a test administered in the classroom.  Arrangements for this type of test are initiated with a faculty member.

Access and Disability Services

Testing with accommodations is available with prior approval from the ADS Office, Building I, Room I-103.  Contact them at 847.925.6266 for voice callers, videophone for Deaf/Hard of Hearing, 224.836.5048, ads@harpercollege.edu.


Testing and Assessment Center
Building A, Room A148

On-Site Testing Hours (by Appointment Only)
Monday through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Office Closed
The Testing Center is closed on college holidays.

Last Updated: 11/22/24